Today at techie youth I focused on how to move as an employer, and how to make sure your business succeeds. It all starts with making sure your employees are doing the best they can because they performance can make or break the company. From customer service to making sure the products work as intended. THat is why the training process should be intensive.
Today at techie youth I focused on how to create a great resume. There was a video I watched that really spoke to me. It touched on the 8 steps for writing a winning resume. One thing that he said that stuck with me is that he read a study where the average resume on gets looked at for around 6 seconds. Meaning you have to seriously hook your employer within the first few lines otherwise the other achievements writing will go unlooked. It seems unfair and tough, however, that is how the business world works.
Today at techie youth was relatively informative. I focused on a session of how to handle stress and time. I also learned about being motivated and learning and adapting ways to succeed. One thing that I really resonated with is when the man in the video said that being able to buy what you want does not cost that much if you are smart about what you buy.
Today at techie youth I learned about owning your own things and making sure the things you own are safe. I learned about being careful with those companies that want to collaborate with your company should be carefully weeded out in order to make sure it not something that will affect your company negatively in any way shape or form. You can do this by making sure that you perform the initial research on the firm or company. You can look around for reviews or recommendations from people they have worked with in the past.
Today at techie youth I learned about being a business analyst. I focused on how to find employment as a business analyst. On the sourse i was suggested several websites that I could find jobs that fit my requirements. I was referred to Linkedin, which I already knew about. Then I found a new site by the name of glassdoor, it was quite interesting how similar the formatting was to Linkedin. It was really cool and had a lot of opportunities as well. Before all this though I learned what a business analyst did. Which is understanding the organization and then deciding what steps they should take in order to make the business successful going forward.
Today at techie youth I focused on creating mobile apps, and marketing them. I am not gonna lie it was difficult to follow the video that explained how to create my own game. However, when I moved on to the marketing portion of it all, my focus returned. I learned the first five steps of marketing an app. The first step was that you have to conduct customer research so as to make sure that the app you are building will be suited outwards them. The next portion of it was influencer marketing, I took this as networking and creating good relationships. They mentioned that "leveraging the power of influencers can drive mass amounts of traffic to your mobile.
Today I learned about domain names, and how to make money off domain names. Something that I believe was very important to learn was that I need to start off by building a domain portfolio. Building a good one can take months or years but in the end it will all be worth it. You can even buy domain portfolio depending on what is best for your business plan.
Today at techie youth I focused on how to make apps that make you money. THrough that I found that being able to monetize your apps is the most important portion of it all. At the end of the day if you can not do that then the apps are all unable to make money. On one particular website i was informed that before I even think about making money with my app there are certain questions that I should ask myself. These are "What is your mobile app’s value proposition?
What are your competitors doing?
How will you acquire app users?." This is because answering these questions will help the app as a whole become very successful. Very informative day today.
Today at teaching youth I focused on fundraising and approaching donors. I learned the difference between a good approach and a great approach. Techniques that could get possible donors to become donors for years to come. It all comes with just a little self respect and knowing how valuable you can be to said donor. Outline the points of your business that they seem to resonate with. It can all be broken down to a science so to speak.
Today at techie youth I focused on Products and learned what is needed to run a business well. Early in the morning I learned about pricing products. The person in the video broke it down to me in a three step guide. I believe that this information is something I will take with me in all walks of life. It is so useful. I can even use it to determine whether I should buy a product or not. Or if someone is attempting to sell me an overpriced product. All in all today was an amazing day of learning.
Today at techie youth my main area of focus was how I can start my own business and become a great leader that works for success. My main take away from today was that investing in the future is a great way to start. I learned that technology is only going to keep advancing and the more we get in tune with that now the better it will be fore our future, and opportunities down the line. After seeing this I have begun to look into such technology I could learn more about and gain skills for the future.
Another amazing day with Techie youth. Filled with new and useful information. My two biggest takeaways from today were the importance of stress management, time management, and why multitasking is not as beneficial as it may seem. Today I was taught that having a clean workspace could change your whole entire mindset, will make you way more productive, and will strengthen your creativity. There was one video in particular in which a man told me that his desk was normally cluttered because multiple people worked at the same desk, however, when he decided to organize and clean up his workspace his productivity went up tremendously. All in all, managing stress, time, workspace, and workload will improve the quality of life.