Log of what of Ismail Ibrahim Muhammad has learned at Techie Youth

Mon. Aug. 22, 2022


I am by name Ismail Ibrahim Muhammad, a Techie Youth student, from Yola-North (Jimeta), Nigeria.

I will like to share my experience about what I learned at Techie Youth with you.

Today am going to briefly talk on Social Media Campaigns.

What is a Social Media?

Social Media are those websites and applications that enable users to create and share content or to participate in social networking.

Social media is an internet-based form of communication. Social media platforms allow users to have conversations, share information and create web content.

What is a Campaign?

A campaign simply means an organized course of action to achieve a goal or work in an organized and active way towards a particular goal, typically a political or social one.

Campaign is defined as a series of organized actions which are done for one purpose. An example of a campaign is a group canvassing for a political candidate running for office. A series of operations undertaken to achieve a set goal. An election campaign; a military campaign.

What is a Social Media Campaign?

A social media campaign is a coordinated marketing effort to reinforce or assist with a business goal using one or more social media platforms. Campaigns differ from everyday social media efforts because of their increased focus, targeting and measurability.

This all what I understand a word Social Media Campaign.

Thank you.

Fri. Aug. 12, 2022


Good Afternoon,

As you all known, I am by name Ismail Ibrahim Muhammad, a Techie Youth student, from Yola-North (Jimeta), Nigeria.

Today's Topic is very much interested and I will like to share my experience about what I learned at Techie Youth.

Am going to Explain the word Branding.

When you heard Branding what comes to your mind?

Branding: Branding is the process of creating a strong, positive perception of a company, its products or services in the customer's mind by combining such elements as logo, design, mission statement, and a consistent theme throughout all marketing communications.

There are some steps that a person need to follow, this are:

1. Domain name: A domain name is a string that identifies a realm of administrative autonomy, authority or control within the Internet.

2. Company Email: What is a business email address? A business email address is simply an email used specifically for your organization. It includes the company's name, for example,

3. Creating a Slogan: A slogan is a simple and memorable catchphrase that draws an audience to a particular brand or product. An effective slogan is a key component of successful marketing along with your logo and brand name.

Here are some steps to name a Slogan:

1. Start with your logo

2. Keep is simple

3. Use small words

4. Brainstorming a word list related to your business

5. Make it roll of the tongue

6. Use power words or phrases

7. Test your slogan

4. Mission Statement: A mission statement is defined as an action-based statement that declares the purpose of an organization and how they serve their customers. This sometimes includes a description of the company, what it does, and its objectives. 

5. Company Logo: Logos serve to represent a given organization or company through a visual image that can be easily understood and recognized. A logo generally involves symbols, stylized text or both.

This is all what I understand.

Thank you.

Thu. Aug. 11, 2022


Good Afternoon,

As you all known, I am by name Ismail Ibrahim Muhammad, a Techie Youth student, from Yola-North (Jimeta), Nigeria.

Today's Topic is very much interested and I will like to share my experience about what I learned at Techie Youth.

Am going to Explain the word HIRING under ENTREPRENEURSHIP.

What comes to your mind when you heard a word Hiring?

Hiring: Hiring process refers to the process of finding, selecting and hiring new employees to a company. This process has three key segments: planning, recruitment, and employee selection.

How do I get hired for a Job?

12 tips to improve your candidacy and get hired

From performing the proper research to enhancing your resume, there are several ways you can improve your chances of getting hired. Here are some effective ways you can get noticed by hiring managers:

What are the steps of the hiring process?

The hiring process steps:

1. Deciding there’s a role to fill

2. Putting together a complete plan

3. Writing a great job description

4. Advertising through the right channels

5. Reaching out using recruiters, headhunters, and referrals

6. Reviewing candidate applications

7. Short interviews and pre-interview screenings

8. Interviews

9. Applicant assessments

10. Performing background checks

11. Coming to a decision

12. Checking references

13. The job offer

14. And finally, hiring

15. Don’t forget on boarding

5 critical actions you might be missing out on:

1. A compelling careers page

2. A ‘one-click apply’ option

3. Data-driven hiring decisions

4. Post-interview feedback

5. Effective on boarding

Thank you for reading.

Tue. Aug. 9, 2022


Good Afternoon,

As you all known, I am by name Ismail Ibrahim Muhammad, a Techie Youth student, from Yola-North (Jimeta), Nigeria.

Today's Topic is very much interested and I will like to share my experience about what I learned at Techie Youth on ENTREPRENEURSHIP (HOW TO LAUNCH A NEW BUSINESS).

Everyone has ideas. Some of these ideas may be decent, while others are probably not so good.

Even if your idea is great, there’s a large difference between having a great idea and creating a successful startup company.

Do you have what it takes to be an Entrepreneur?

If your answer is yes, then you need to know how to take an idea and turn it into a startup company.

For those of you who have never started a business before, it can sound like an intimidating task.

Don’t get me wrong – I’m not saying that getting your startup company up and running is an easy mission by any stretch.

It will take hard work, dedication, money, some sleepless nights, and even some failure before you succeed. Once you get your company off the ground, you need to work just as hard to keep it going each year.

What is involved in launching a new startup business?

We’ll outline and discuss each step in detail so you have a better understanding of what I’m talking about.

You can use this guide as your blueprint for launching your startup company.


Having an idea is one thing, but having a legitimate Business plan is another story.

Clearly, you need money to start and operate a new business.

A proper business plan gives you a significant advantage.

So how do you make a business plan?

In simple terms, a business plan is the written description of your company’s future.

The business plan needs to be the first thing on your list because you’ll use it to help you with some of the remaining steps.


You’ll need adequate capital to get yourself off the ground.

There’s no magic number that applies to all businesses.

The startup costs will obviously vary from industry to industry, so your company may require more or less funding depending on the situation.

The cost of doing business is much higher than people initially think.

Let’s circle back to our business plan for a minute.

All business plans contain a financial plan. This plan usually includes:

Balance sheet

Sales forecast

Profit and loss statement

Cash-flow statement


You’re going to need some help while launching your startup company.

So where do you start?

Certain people often get overlooked when entrepreneurs are getting their business started.

Sure, you may realize that you’ll need some staff and a manager to help run your company. Is that it?

How many people do you need? It depends on the industry.


Your startup company needs a physical address and a web address.

Whether it’s offices, retail space, or a manufacturing location, you need to buy or lease a property to operate your business.

Try to secure enough funding so that you can afford to buy property.

It’s worth the investment and will save you money in the long run. You also need to create a website.

Don’t wait until the day your business officially launches to get your website off the ground.

It’s never too early to start promoting your business. If customers are searching online for a service in your industry, you want them to know that you exist, even if you’re not quite open for business yet.

You can even start generating some income through your website.


If you’re not a marketing expert, you need to become one.

You might have the best product or service in the world, but if nobody knows about it, then your startup can’t succeed.

Learn how to use digital marketing techniques like:

Content marketing

Affiliate marketing

Email marketing

Search engine optimization (SEO)

Social media marketing (SMM)

Search engine marketing (SEM)

Pay-per-click advertising (PPC)

If you’re starting a small business in a local community, you can take advantage of some older and conventional methods such as:

Print advertising

Radio advertisements




If you’re following this plan in order, the good news is that you’re already on the right track to building a customer base.

Starting a website, growing your digital presence, and becoming an effective marketer are all steps in the right direction.


Expect the unexpected. Launching your startup company won’t be easy, and you need to plan for some hurdles along the way.

Don’t let these speed bumps become roadblocks. You can’t get discouraged when something goes wrong. Preserve and push through it.

And much more (etc).

Thank you for reading.

Mon. Aug. 8, 2022


Fri. Aug. 5, 2022


Good Afternoon,

As you all known, I am by name Ismail Ibrahim Muhammad, a Techie Youth student, from Yola-North (Jimeta), Nigeria.

Today's Topic is very much interested and I will like to share my experience about what I learned at Techie Youth on SOCIAL MEDIA


When you I said Social Media what comes to your mind?

Social Media Social media are interactive technologies that facilitate the creation and sharing of information, ideas, interests, and other forms of expression through virtual communities and networks.

Social media is an internet based form of communication.

Social media platforms allow users to have conversations, share information and create web content.


Social Media and Messaging app are of totally different.

The most important difference is that social media promotes one to many conversations, such as sharing a post on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Tiktok for followers to like and comment on. Meanwhile, chat apps deliver more engaging, one to one interactions, allowing brands to connect with individual customers in a more meaningful way.


The largest social media networks include Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, and TikTok. 

Examples of Social Messaging apps include Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, Twitter direct messaging, Instagram direct messaging, Snapchat, Ayoba, Bridge, WeChat according to Nigeria etc.


Yes, Whatsapp can be considered social media. Since Whatsapp was built for conversations, it cheks one of the primary qualities of social media, which is social networking.


This is all what understood about Social Media.

Thank you for Reading my experience.

Thu. Aug. 4, 2022


Hello Guys,

As you all known, I am by name Ismail Ibrahim Muhammad, a Techie Youth student, from Yola-North (Jimeta), Nigeria.

Our today's Topic is very much interested and I will like to share with you what I learned at Techie Youth on STRESS MANAGEMENT.

First of all, let me explain or break down the word "Stress".

Stress is a pressure or tension exerted on a material object. 

Stress is a feeling of emotional or physical tension. It can come from any event or thought that makes you feel frustrated, angry, or nervous.

Stress is your body's reaction to a challenge or demand. In short bursts, stress can be positive, such as when it helps you avoid danger or meet a deadline.

While Stress Management: Effective stress management helps you break the hold stress has on your life, so you can be happier, healthier, and more productive.

How to Manage Stress Include:

Relaxation techniques, times management skills, counseling or group therapy, exercise, and maintaining an overall healthy lifestyle.

And I understood that you will only be angry when you choose to do so, as a human being you have to learn how to overcome your anger (control). As you just gave us an example when someone or something is stimulating your feelings of anger, stop whatever you are doing immediately, go look in the mirror or into your selfie-camera and smile as wide of a smile as you can make. Hold that smile for at least 10-seconds while looking at yourself, by doing so you can control your anger.

And I will use what I learned to control my anger anywhere and also advice or teach younger ones on how to overcome this problem.

This is all what I can say on Stress Management, and I will like to use this opportunity to appreciate your humanitarian aid in our Local Government Area, Regions and Country (Rural and Urban Areas).

My regards to the Founder of Techie Youth and the rest of workers.

Wed. Aug. 3, 2022


Good Afternoon Everyone,

My name is Ismail Ibrahim Muhammad, a Techie Youth student, from Yola-North, Nigeria.

Today am going to share my idea with you about what I learned at Techie Youth.

Our today's Topic is "TIME MANAGEMENT"

What is Time Management?

Time management is the process of planning and exercising conscious control of time spent on specific activities, especially to increase effectiveness, efficiency, and productivity. 

Here are some of the most importance of Time Management skills which will help you:

Organization, Prioritization, Goals setting, Communication, Planning, Stress management, Decision Making, Delegation, Problem Solving, Strategic Thinking, Soft Skills etc.

Let me explain some of the things that I have listed above:

  Example: an organized group of people with a particular purpose, such as a business or government department. 

This is all I have for you, hope with all I have for you today anytime and anywhere you can use Time Management through out your life in other to achieve your aim.

Thank you for reading.

Tue. Aug. 2, 2022

Beware of Scams

Mon. Aug. 1, 2022

How to successfully work a remote job

My name is Ismail Ibrahim Muhammad, a Techie Youth Student, from Yola-North, Nigeria..

Today, am going to share a key or ways on how to "Successfully Work a Remote Job" on my own understanding and also using simple English words.

Lets get into my world of understanding.

Every remote worker faces unique challenges, from distractions that are unusually hard to avoid to increasingly complex responsibilities at home that make it challenging to find a healthy work-life balance. The good news? The amazing benefits of remote work make the effort you put into overcoming any works from a home obstacles more than worth your time.

The particular aspects of remote work mean that you’ll have to do some planning ahead to work from home successfully. By developing a few good habits and following some key suggestions, you can work through any works from a home challenges that come your way. 

How to be a Good Remote Workers Work from Home:

1. Communicate Proactively:

When you’re not in the same office as your boss and teammates, you need to take your communication skills to the next level. Use email, phone calls, video calls, online chat software, and whatever other tools you have at your disposal. Ask when and how people want to hear from you, and follow those preferences.

2. Clarify Expectations

Clarifying expectations starts by having frequent and transparent conversations with your boss and coworkers, making sure you know what they expect you to accomplish and when.

3. Set Office Hours and Stick to Them

Decide what your regular work hours will be and inform your boss and colleagues of your schedule. Then do all you can to follow it. Your coworkers need to know when you’ll be available for work tasks and meetings, and when you’re clocked out and on personal time.

4. Dress for the Job

As tempting as it may be, resist the urge to stay in your PJs all day long and dress for work every day. Not only will you want to look professional on video meetings, but getting dressed in the morning puts your brain in “work” mode.

5. Structure your days

To work from home successfully, you’ll need to plan out and structure your days so the hours don’t get away from you. Create to-do lists, set goals, and come up with a daily schedule, complete with breaks and times when you’ll be able to focus on deep work. 

6. Create dedicated Office Space

When you set up a home office space that is specifically for your work and nothing else, you’ll inevitably have fewer distractions. 

7. Use Task Lists and Time Management Tools

With no manager hovering over your shoulder asking for updates, you may find it easy to get distracted or spend too long on a particular task or project.

8. Take Breaks

Without the rhythm of an office around you, it’s easy to get in a groove and forget to take a lunch break or stretch your legs with a quick walk.

9. Avoid personal tasks

To be a good remote employee, it’s essential to not let household to-dos take over your schedule. Sure, throwing in a load of laundry during a work break is fine, but make sure you don’t let miscellaneous household tasks dictate your workday. Not only will they ultimately extend your day past your regular work hours, but the constant interruptions will impede your productivity and performance.

10. Exercise Regularly

Whether you go for a run or walk during your lunch break or schedule an online yoga session to end your workday, keeping a regular exercise routine will help you combat the sedentary lifestyle that remote work can lead to.

11. Create a strong support system

Working remotely can lead to loneliness and isolation, but staying connected while working from home helps keep these feelings at bay. 

12. Plan Occasion in a person meetings with team members

While online communication tools will help you build strong virtual bonds, it’s hard to replace face-to-face conversations. Meeting with your coworkers and manager in person won’t always be possible (like during a pandemic). 

This is all what I can say today, but don't worry tomorrow is another day.

Thank you for reading my idea.

Fri. Jul. 29, 2022

Prerequisites to Getting Employed

Thu. Jul. 28, 2022

Fundamentals of Working Remotely

Wed. Jul. 27, 2022

Reasons and Motivation to Work Remotely