Today I finished the video on Python. After which I then started the video on Java. I was able to finish that one as well. Since I finished those two, I decided to go back to previous quizzes that I had done to try and improve my scores on them like the Entrepreneurship: Profit Models quiz, the Entrepreneurship: Customers quiz, the Video Editor: Get Started quiz, and the Video Editor: Skill Building quiz. I was able to slightly improve my results on the latter two but failed at doing so for the former two. I then took the quiz for the Learning to code websites section of the Web Development unit and passed that quiz.
Today, I mostly spent my time watching the video on the fundamentals of python. It is a rather long video, being around 6 hours long, it has been quite the ride. I am almost finished with it, so I should be done with it by tomorrow.
Today, I spent my time watching more videos in regards to the different coding languages that can be used for web development. The video I finished was on PHP while I have started a new one on python. That is all I have to discuss for today. Looking forward to finishing the video tomorrow.
Today, I continued the web development unit. I watched some videos in the learning to code websites section of the unit. The videos were on the topic of different coding languages used in web development, videos on the fundamentals of JavaScript, Node.js, etc. Some of the links in that section even link to games that aid in getting a greater grasp of the languages being used.
Today, I watched some videos in the web development unit. They were videos from the web design and google analytics sections. The videos on web design touched on how to market your skills to acquire clients for work and even gave tips on how to get clients despite not having experience at all. While the videos on google analytics touched on the basics, how to get started, and how to add it to your website. I also continued on developing the executive summary page for the leftover assignment.
Today, I continued to focus on leftover assignments. I have turned in some from former units. I'm still looking for more of them to make sure I get them all. After which I will resume my work on the web development unit.
Today, I finished the video about databases. Afterwards I did the quiz on the databases section and completed it. Now I am focused on trying to complete any assignments from previous units that I have not yet done before I continue any further with the web development unit.
Today, I continued the video on databases. I am on the last stretch regarding the video so I will most likely be finished with it by tomorrow, to which I can then start the quiz on the section.
Still on the unit of Web Development. I am almost finished with the Databases section. However the last part of it seems to quite the big one, as the video I have to watch is around 8 hours long. After which I have to take that quiz for the section. Hopefully I can finish that video sometime next week.
Still on the unit of Web Development. I finished the section on WordPress, watching the video going step by step on how to build your own website using the program. Then there is the databases section. In which the usage and application of databases was discussed. Like the two categories between how data is stored utilizing databases like relational and non-relational data. The languages used between the two is different as well with SQL being more related to relational databases whereas NoSQL is more associated with non-relational databases.
Today, I continued the unit of Web Development. I finished the section of website administration. The ins and outs regarding website hosting, domain names, DNS, SSL, etc. I then moved onto the section about version control, which is a system that manages your website's files, while also allowing the ability to retain and view the history of changes made to these files. Lastly after finishing that section, I started the section on WordPress, a system that allows one to build and maintain their own websites.
Today, I continued the unit of Web Development. In it, I watched the remaining videos I had in the getting started creating web sites subsection, started and finished the web development roles section and started the web administration section. There are many jobs that seem to be available for those involved with web development based on what I can see from the web development roles section of the unit. From front-end developer to back end, web architect, system administrator, product manager, and more. I look forward to learning more tomorrow.
Today I have begun the unit on Web Development. So far the only things that have been currently discussed have been the basics of HTML and CSS. HTML is the programming language that most, if not all web developers/programmers start off with and are the most familiar with. It is the meat of the website that you develop either for yourself or for others. Whereas CSS is the seasoning/dressing, it is what adds style and creative design into the look of the websites you develop. There is much to learn in this unit and I look forward to learning more.
Today I have arrived at the end of the unit for Video Editing. The final parts of the unit discussed were about working as a editor and building your portfolio. The former involved explanations about the pro and cons of trying to acquire work and/or a job as a video editor. One of the tips suggested was to accept projects for below market value prices or just outright free as a means of gaining experience and attaining something that can be placed on a portfolio. The latter part discussed building your portfolio since it is something that signals to potential clients that you have the experience and skills they are looking for and have the proof to back it up. With these finished, the only thing left was the assignment for the unit.
Today was more on the topic of Video Editing. Mostly on the topic of tutorials for the various software that can be used for video editing. Ways that I can prepare to use these software like making separate folders for video editing, a folder for the footage, external media, sounds, etc. Another section was related to starting the journey in video editing with Adobe Premiere Pro, with tips on how to pick up on using the software at a quicker rate. I look forward to learning more tomorrow.
Today I continued on the topic of video editing. Editing a video/TV show/film is just as important a process as the filming and script writing for the material. The utilization of cuts can be used to aid in the artistic construction of the material, with cuts that help convey emotion, invoke tension and more. Sounds also aid in giving life to the story one is actively portraying on screen. There are all sorts of software that a video editor can choose from like Adobe Premiere Pro, DaVinci Resolve Studio, Final Cut Pro X. These software is what allows video editors to work their magic during the production process of the content's creation. Taking various amounts of footage, to which they cut and splice, insert sounds, coloring and more to enhance the artistic vision of the material for audiences who will eventually lay their eyes on it.
Today, I have started the topic of video editing. Video editing can be a nice avenue to go down in regards to remote work, as a person can be a freelance video editor, taking in work from various people while adhering to a schedule that you came up with for yourself. As a freelancer, you effectively get to be your own boss, though that can come with its own negatives. You can also work as a staff video editor employee, working on behalf of a boss, this type of work usually comes with a fixed income along with the schedule outlined for you by your employer. You can also acquire insurance and benefits unlike a freelancer. Video editing as a whole could also land you jobs editing music videos, commercials, and possibly even TV shows and more, depending on the reputation and experience you have. There is a quite a fair amount of techniques one must acquire in order to reach those opportunities though, like the various amounts of software one must be familiar with that is used in the video editing process.
Today I touched on the topic of financing for your business. It discussed the concept of procuring startup money that will be used for starting the business. You first have to assess how much money is needed to start it, as it will be crucial to the predevelopment and eventual launch of the business. After which you then reassess the amount you arrived at to see your if it can be reduced to some degree. To which you then start accumulating the startup money for your business. These things along with calculating things like your business's profit margins and customer acquisition costs will aid in being better prepared to manage these funds and more knowledgeable about the funds necessary to help the business stay afloat.
Today I touched on the topic of branding. As a entrepreneur, having something unique to you and the business/businesses you plan on starting can allow you to stand out creatively to consumers. Thus coming up with a domain name can aid in this, kickstarting the journey toward constructing your company's look and identity, though one has to be careful when coming up with company domain names as to not accidently take/use a domain name already in use. The next step is creating a slogan that your company can use, as they can help grasp a potential customer's attention and give them a small inking of what your company might be about. Constructing a mission statement is rather important as well as they serve as a more through assertion about what your company is and what its purpose is. Then the company logo, a image that serves as a visual representation of what your company stands for, a image to be put on business cards, your company website and more.
Today I continued the unit on Entrepreneurship. I went over many topics like customer and market, contingency planning, cofounders, partnerships, and more. These various topics went over tips like identifying the customer and market for your business to better curate your products and services for consumers, designing and creating contingency plans in order to deal with potentially issues or problems more effectively. How cofounding a business may aid in the overall work flow that comes from operating a business, utilizing each others skills to handle problems that their fellow cofounder probably can't do and/or accomplish. Coming up with exit strategies once a business/company has arrived at its end or accomplished it goal. And making executive summaries to inform readers about what my company is and what it aims to accomplish. There is more to discuss regarding what I learned today, but I will end it here for now. I look forward to continuing this subject matter tomorrow.
Today I continued the unit on Entrepreneurship. This time I engaged with the topics of business models and profit models and revenue streams. The former was filled with information regarding the different types of business models that a business can be based off of, the importance of assessing market sectors to learn if the topic your business is centered on is actually viable, the readiness in understanding that your business is possibly, most likely to fail and how you shouldn't let that deter you from entrepreneurship. The latter discussed the different profit models that a business can operate on in order to earn money like selling a product directly, selling it to resellers, having a recurring income model, etc. The different streams of revenue that can be used to aid in your entrepreneurial endeavors as you plan out your goals for your upcoming business or even if the business goes under.
Today, I have began the unit for Entrepreneurship. It started off with a crash course about the subject topic at hand, from what it is to ways to start a company, the myths of entrepreneurship, innovation, and more. It touched on the various things that one needs to adopt before becoming an entrepreneur. Things like a person's public speaking skills, their ability to command respect, the discipline and motivating passion to actually go through with said risky endeavor. By doing these things, a person may potentially develop the soft skills necessary for being a successful entrepreneur, as being one is a really risky venture for a person to take part in. I look forward to seeing what more this unit has in store for me next week
I finished the Improving Your Quality of Life unit today. The last unit was about earning income by traveling or getting jobs/careers in things that allow a person to travel frequently. There were several avenues presented as a means to accomplish this such as being a Youtuber, Travel Vlogger, engaging with jobs related to photography and writing, and earning income online via remote jobs as a digital nomad. Its purpose serves to paint a picture of what could be, the opportunity to have and enjoy a venturous life. A life in which a person can live the way they want to. I look forward exploring more of the various topics involved in this training.
Today I finished Time management and began Health and productivity. This section stressed the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle as a means of increasing and sustaining a productive work ethic. Exercising, getting the necessary hours of sleep, meditation, and more are all things that can be done to acquiring a healthier body and having an improved mental state that can aid in one's ability to be productive. The topic of stress management was also touched upon. In which the importance of maintaining control of one's emotional well-being was pushed as something that can be conducive towards preventing others from inflicting a negative impact on you. Finally, there was the topic of identifying positive role models and mentors, in which can help those inexperienced in their respective fields to seek out more experienced members of their field for guidance and skill refinement. I look forward to learning more about this topic tomorrow.
Today, I touched on the topic of time management. How a person should use their time productively while in the process of accomplishing goals they have. Using it in an effort to continuously improve yourself and your skills. One of the methods that can be used to aid in more effectively using your time is planning your day out in advance, so that you can better organize it and the things you plan on doing. You can also keep track of how much time you dedicate on these things to get a better understanding of how much time you spend/spent on an activity and whether or not the time spent was sufficient, if that time could be better spent on something else you may deem more important, etc.
Today, I have finished the first unit and started the second. The first lesson to be had in regards to improving one's quality of life was about financial awareness and management. How recognizing what your net income represents, and operating accordingly to better efficiently handle that income for future uses. What budgeting can be used for in order to save your money, so as to not end up possibly living paycheck to paycheck like others do. Understanding the differences between necessities and luxuries. Making smart decisions about the purchasing of products you will use and the resale value said things may possess, and more. I look forward to learning more about this topic tomorrow.
Today I learned about the tips and tricks and strategies of working a remote job successfully. In order to successfully work a remote job, one has to be able to maintain productivity as you work from the comfort of your home, with access to all sorts of distractions within close proximity. Ensuring that you and your co-workers have a good work relationship is important as well as working remotely can decrease the amount of in-person contact you have with them, which can put a strain on your ability to cooperate with them. Making sure you are effectively communicating with them can improve this and may aid in your team's ability to better plan and organize things.
For today, I've been made privy to the tips and tricks one could use to better navigate jobs interviews with employers. One of the things a job candidate can do is prepping for the interview by constructing answers for commonly asked interview questions. Being enthusiastic about acquiring the position you're vying for can also have a positive impact in your interview and how the employer/hiring team views you. You have to be able to really sell yourself and your skills positively in an interview to increase your chances of acquiring the job and potentially getting a start toward a career as well.
Today is the second day of training at Techie Youth, I have learned a far bit more from yesterday. Most notably things regarding one's presence on social media and how that can impact a person's ability to get an interview with an employer. I also began touching onto the topic of perusing for remote jobs on websites like Indeed and Glassdoor. And with that comes the need to be prepared for an interview, so I began to touch on that as well. We will see what more information is provided regarding that tomorrow.
Today is my first day working for Techie Youth. As such I have started the prerequisite units for the course. I have completed about 5 links thus far with all the articles and videos contained in them. Prior to taking this course, I was unaware of the existence of sites like Upwork, that detail a seemingly large amount of jobs that can be done remotely. There were some points that were brought up in regards to the negatives of remote work that I agreed with, with stuff like work-life balance having the potential to erode away being one of them. Also, this course has helped me understand crypto, more specifically crypto wallets a bit more. however I am still just getting started, so I stop here for now. I look forward to continuing this training tomorrow.