Log of what of Alicia Fraser has learned at Techie Youth

Wed. Aug. 10, 2022

Designing Clothes

On techie youth, something that I learned abut today was designing clothes which was of interest to me. There are several steps that one can use to create and design clothes. First you should take time to learn about drawing so that you are able to communicate what it is you are trying to create or the ideas that you have visually. Next, you should learn about sewing so you can sew the designs or to simply understand the work or new ideas that the creator of your design may have. You should learn about design and the theories that are aligned to it. I learned that is important to take the time to study various theories associated with design being that it can give different perspectives and connect back to fashion design. Fashion knowledge is key to when it comes to designing because you are able to think about what styles that are likely to become popular in the future and then you can study fashion based on seasonal collections. I never had the chance to read up on the beginning work that gets into being a fashion designer so this was very useful!

Tue. Aug. 9, 2022

Regression testing and laser cutting

August 8

Today I had the opportunity to learn about regression testing, a terminology that I never heard of until Techie Youth. Regression testing is when there is a software testing to authenticate any changes and updates that have been made to a program or code. These changes in program can consist of things like fixing any hiccups or bugs or updating any features. I learned another term called regression testing in agile which is when teams are being helped to divert attention on new practices/usefulness all while upholding a stable product. Lastly, I learned various ways to manage regression testing. For example test case certification which focuses on which test cases are certified and which aren’t. There is execution schedule which helps you think about how often a regression suite should be performed. Lastly, analysis which allows you the space to figure what test aren’t reliable or just aren’t as beneficial as you may need it to be.

August 9

Today on Techie Youth I had the chance to learn more about Laser Cutting which is when a laser specially is used to create and cut shapes from different types of materials. With the use of laser cutting the ability to also create 3D objects like a tube is made possible. I was able to dive deep into a platform called Ponoko which is a site that you can use to get custom laser cutting services. I learned the steps that I should take to get a high quality design from reading up on tips provided on Ponoko. There should be a minimum feature size because sized smaller than .040 will be too fragile. There should also be a minimum part size as well because a part that is smaller than .236 can be lost. Another tip is to be sure to have a minimum for when it comes to engraving space. To get the best quality it is recommended to combine the area and line engraving on either your text or shapes so that they can pop and have a more unique look. The last tip I will touch on is having enough breathing room when laser cutting. If the cut lines are positioned too closely then there may not be enough space between the lines after the laser burns the remaining material away.

Fri. Aug. 5, 2022

Sale Funnel (AIDA)

Today I learned about a business strategy to help draw customers for a business. This strategy is called Sale Funnel and it consists of 4 stages “AIDA”. First is called Awareness which is is when you first try to catch the attention of the customers through usage of an ad, web search or a social media post. This is the stage in which you try to win over someone into becoming a customer and get them to engage with your business. Interest is next, where they begin to do more research about your business and comparison of products. This is the time where as the business owner you offer any help to make decisions but not to necessarily push any products to sell as of yet. Next is the decision stage, where the customers decides if they want to make a purchase and this is where you want to make an offer. This offer can include possibly free shipping, a promo code or even a bonus item to be included with their purchase. Lastly, there is the action step where you want to retain your customers. I learned that in this step the business owner can do things like, giving a thank you for the customers purchase, asking for feedback from the customers etc.

Thu. Aug. 4, 2022

Instagram Ads

On Techie Youth today, I had the chance to learn how advertisement works using social media, specifically Instagram. I learned that there are different types of ads that can be used on this platform like image ads, stories ads, reels ads, explore ads etc. The cost of these ads vary and depend on who you’re targeting, the time of year, and the competitiveness of the industry you are in . Image ads usually consist of one compelling image to advertise a specific brand, products or service. Instagram stories ads are shown in between your followers stories; so you may watch a few of the stories on your feed and next up will be an advertisement. It is said that these are the most engaging type of advertisements and this type is effective when it mimics a real story. Lastly, I will talk on some key tips that are important and can be useful when using Instagram Ads. For example, using sound in your advertisement is more engaging and can help tell a story in your ad. Additionally, ads are quick and should catch the viewers attention so you should start your ad with a “key message” within ht first 3 seconds.

Wed. Aug. 3, 2022

Fine Art America, Storenvy,Minted

Today on Techie Youth, I had the chance to learn abut some of the major differences between websites that are used to to sell art. I I learned about several, but I will speak about 3 today, Fine Art America, Storenvy and Minted. I learned that Fine Art America is the largest online art makertplace and through this business artists can upload their images and set their prices making their work available for shoppers immediately. Some of the products that artists can sell on here are towels, coffee mugs, greeting cards, wall art and more. One thing I like about this Fine Art is that it is free to join but there is also an option to upgrade for $30 a year if you choose. Next there is Storenvy, which moreso caters to fine artists, jewelry designers, furniture makers etc. Artists can sell their products on here by either listing products in a marketplace or building a store that looks like their own personal business. Lastly, Minted is highly known for selling invitations, Christmas cards etc. There’s even a competition component where the winner can win money for their personalized designs !

Tue. Aug. 2, 2022

Uploading Art Online

Today on Techie Youth, I learned how to upload art when selling online. There are various websites that you can use to sell your art to potential customers. I visited website platforms like Esty, Society6 and Saatchi Art. I have several paintings that I’ve created for fun but never thought of selling it until visiting this specific unit on Techie Youth. I painted a beautiful canvas using acrylic paint of a sunset a couple months back and learned how to upload it to potentially sell. I used the website Saatchi Art, where first I had to create a free account and then take pictures of my art work to upload. After that I had to list the name of the artwork and the dimensions. Then I had the opportunity to explain the meaning behind my creation. My creation is of a sunset on a beach and I explained that I hope my audience feels some sort of peace or escape just by looking at it. Sometimes we have a bad day but can’t physically run to the beach to listen o the crash of the waves and sit in a peaceful space but perhaps a quick glance at the painting will do the trick. Prior to setting a price and making it available to be sold, there is a verification process that one must go through. This was a great experience and can’t wait to read and learn more about this form of income just using creativity.

Mon. Aug. 1, 2022

Snapchat Filter Creation Digital Goods

On Techie Youth today, I learned more about selling digital goods. I didn’t know that social media also happens to tie in here as well. If you’ve ever used Instagram or Snapchat, then you may have used a filter before while taking pictures or making a video, I know I certainly have! I never really knew what it took to actually create one but I learned today. To create a Snapchat Filter first you need to use the “Create Your Own” website that is affiliated with Snapchat and click “Create Filter.” Then you can upload a personalized design or use an existing one from Snapchat. Here’s the start to really making this filter your own! You can add different features to make it more unique like emojis, images and even a brand logo. With the use of a brand logo, this will definitely promote business and attract new customers. After all is complete with customization, you must select a time of which your filter will be available and active throughout the day. Next, you can choose to attach your filter to a specific location off which the filter will be found for usage; this is also called Geofence. Lastly, confirm whether your filter is being used for personal or business , submit the order and await confirmation form Snapchat! Just like that, you’ve created a form of digital goods.

Fri. Jul. 29, 2022

Niche Websites

Today on my session with Techie youth, I focused on niche websites. I learned about the different ways you can use to draw attention to your website. The first way is by utilizing a Google Business Profile which is free. Through the use of this account, the business website you create can be found through mobile searches and your listing also links directly to your website which makes it more accessible to others. Another way to gain more attraction to your website is by posting to social media. A majority of the population uses some sort of social media so advertising your business and website page on there will definitely do the trick. The key is to share shareable content on platforms like Instagram, Facebook, Linkedin and from there your followers will get to your website. Email marketing is another way to gain website visitors as well! You can send out emails that have promotion offers, links and resources to your website which will attract your target audience.

Thu. Jul. 28, 2022

Selling art online

On Techie Youth, I learned about being able to sell art online for income. When selling, you have the option to either sell originals or reproductions or you can even sell both. There are different types of art that you can sell. For example, original art which is painting/drawings that are personally created as your own work. There are merchandise that you can also sell which consists of, hats, t-shirts, greeting cards and you can even sell digital downloads like templates and print at home art. Additionally, I learned how you should go about setting prices for your art. For selling art you should always set a price where you will make a profit of some sort. Lastly, I learned that you can use a formula to figure out how to set a price especially if you are starting out brand new. The formula is “your time and labour costs+material costs+ your markup. From there you set your own hourly wage.

Wed. Jul. 27, 2022

Virtual Assistant

Today, on Techie Youth I continued to learn about virtual assistants and being that it is a virtual job, it definitely consists of Zoom meetings. Just like it’s important to have a good appearance in an in person meeting it is important to do the same in a Zoom meeting. I learned that there are some important things to keep in mind when going on for a Zoom meeting. For example, appearance, lighting, background and more. When it comes to appearance, you should make sure that your hair is combed, apply appropriate makeup and make sure to wear a solid colored shirt to bring you out in the camera. Next, with lighting you really want people to be able to see you so it is suggested to not sit your back to the window, but actually sit facing the window. This light will give off a softer look in the camera. The last feature I will touch on is background, the people you are in a meeting with should be able to focus on you and distractions in the background takes away from that. After reading this article, I learned that it is more beneficial to have a plain and simple background, like a blank wall or with a simple from hanging in the back.

Tue. Jul. 26, 2022

Virtual Assistant

On Techie Youth I had the chance to learn about yet an another really cool career the I’ve actually been hearing a lot of rave about on Tik Tok recently. Virtual assistants are in other words a personal assistant but virtually. They perform different tasks like responding to emails/phone calls, making traveling accommodations, scheduling meetings, creating presentations and so forth. I also had the chance to learn more in depth on an app that they commonly use which Google Calendar. This is a feature that I have used in the past at prior jobs to keep me on track and remind me of upcoming meetings or obligations I had to attend to. Virtual assistants also use Google Calendars and I was able to read more on how to use this app to an advantage throughout the day. For example, we can use a feature called Google Calendar Sync which allows one to see all their personal and work related appointments in one calendar. There’s also a feature called Google hangouts that can be used to as a way to meet virtually with someone. All we need to do is add a Google Hangout Link to your invitation to someone else and they will have easy assess to the link in their calendar.

Mon. Jul. 25, 2022

Technical Writing

Today I learned about technical writing, something that I use a lot but never knew the exact term for it. In actuality we all have used it in some shape or form because it provides instructions on how to so something like a manual or guide. Technical writing can also focus on technical or specialized topics. I learned that this type of writing is very different from creative writing, for example. When doing creative writing, there’s more space and freedom to make it your own, but in technical writing there is a use of clear, direct and neutral wiring. This is so because this writing piece is there to present information to its readers. Lastly, as a technical writer it is important for them to have a good depth of knowledge on whatever they are writing about because this will allow for the text to have correct information and be credited.

Fri. Jul. 22, 2022

Pinterest (July 21) Copywriter (July 22)

July 21-I had the chance to learn more about Pinterest. I’ve always seen and heard of this social media platform but never knew much of it. Pinterest is based on sharing images and allows for us save images, videos and GIFS in pins and boards. Similarly to instagram, on Pinterest, you can have a niche board which is a collection of images that focuses on a particular topic and targets a specific audience. Some popular boards on Pinterest is women’s fashion, travel and technology. Lastly, something I found interesting while gaining more knowledge on Pinterest is how to gain more followers. To do so, you need to engage and consistently be active on Pinterest, use hashtags to attract more people and follow your competitors followers since those followers will more than likely be interested in similar themes.

July 22- Today I learned about about different types of copy writers and the different skills they should have. For example agency copywriters, write for multiple different companies within a week and are lot more fast-paced. Another copywriter I learned about is freelance copywriter, they have the ability to work for dozens of companies over a year on a free lance basis with a salary of about $67,000 with experience. The last type I learned about today is called in-house copywriter; they work more of a typical 9-5 job in an office and stick to one organization everyday. In house works with the same people, same brand and goal at their job. Some skills that are important to have are being able to write headlines that are bound to catch the attention of your audience, creating Call to Actions that will leave an impact and influence the audience and aiming to put the reader first. It is important that the reader identifies with a copy when reading.

Wed. Jul. 20, 2022

Social Media (July20)

Today I learned about a topic that I enjoy on a day to day basis, which is social media. I use Instagram and Tiktok for entertainment purposes only but I had the chance to learn about it from a business perspective. Through the use of an Instagram theme page you can make a source of income. An lnstagram theme page is one that focuses and targets a specific audience or a hobby/interest you are passionate about. For example travel, fitness, fashion and more. I also learned that it is super important to keep your followers engaged and to constantly try to grow your account because that creates traction and leads brands to want to pay you if you endorse their products. There are several ways you can make money using this social media platform like linking a website in your bio if you yourself have a business and wants to sell your own products. You can attempt reaching out to brands to see if they will work with you or as previously stated growing your following so that you catch different companies/brands eyes. Lastly, I learned about influencer marketplaces, where you can increase your chances of being discovered. On websites such as Fohr, Grapevine, Crowdtap, IndaHash, you can list yourself and try to connect with brands. Social media is so versatile and can be used in so many different ways.

Tue. Jul. 19, 2022

ATS & Recruiter types (July 19)

Today on Techie Youth I learned about a software called ATS which stands for Applicant Tracking system. This software basically makes the job of a recruiter a little bit easier because it scouts out the best potential candidates for a particular job with the use of ones resume. The ATS software narrows down a large pool of applicants by allowing for recruiters to search for keywords based on skills/titles. With the use of this software, your resume isn’t usually sent to the recruiter directly but is starts with the ATS process first. Another thing I learned about today, was that there are different types of recruiters that specialize in specific career areas. I always thought there was just a general recruiter that kind of oversees everything but that is not so. For example, there are IT recruiters that hire people to fill information technology positions, there are legal recruiters who have a keen eye for those applying for legal jobs like attorneys/paralegals, there are also pharmaceutical recruiters and the list continues. A pharmaceutical recruiter hires people for different pharmacy positioned jobs.

Mon. Jul. 18, 2022

Recruitment (July 18)

Today I learned a lot about recruitment and skills that are helpful to have when it comes to this career. It was very interesting to read up on and learn about this being that I haven’t been on the recruiting end but only on the job-seeking end. Some skills to have is strong communication because that is how potential candidates will find and read up on the job you are offering. Also as a recruiter you are in constant communication with candidates throughout the hiring process. So it is important to know how, when and what to say to candidates when speaking with them. Empathy is also another big skill that is important to have, knowing that looking for a job can be very stressful and emotional. So when communicating and interacting with candidates always try to be understanding and put yourself in their shoes. There are a vast amount of skills that go hand in hand as a recruiter but the last one I will touch on, is marketing and sales skills. When trying yo attract the right people to your job offering, you have to know how to”sell” your company. This comes in the form of writing job posts that are convincing, using job ads and even finding the most effective platforms to advertise.

Fri. Jul. 15, 2022

Executive Summary (July 15)

July 15- Today I learned about an executive summary and it’s importance when starting up a business. An executive summary is a document that gives an overview of one’s business and is a simpler version of a business plan. Here, the business owner gets the opportunity to talk a little about what their business consists off, the founders, targeted audience, financials, the problem and the solution the business is bringing to fix that specific problem. Over the years I’ve thought of some possible business ideas but never really acted on it. As a result of today’s session with Techie Youth I was able to learn what executive summary is, the different components of it and actually put it into practice. I had the chance to brainstorm about my business idea and bring it to life on this first step, after writing my very own executive summary. It was truly amazing!

Thu. Jul. 14, 2022

Business Partnership, Business model, Music industry (July12-14)

July 12- On this day, I learned the importance of business partnership and the difference it can make. I was able to watch an interview where the co-founders of Instagram compare their partnership as a marriage. One co-founder named that trust is the number one factor that keep the partnership going. Something I found pretty interesting that he said is it can be difficult to trust in the business field but it is easier to trust once you have someone to has been there working in the trenches with you. It is also important to think about whatever issue you guys may encounter within the business for example and how you can show up better and do better. Additionally I learned about a few steps one should take before launching a new startup venture, like thinking about “what problem are you trying to solve?”, start calculating what resources you would need to get this idea off the ground, and choosing a business team. It’s important to team up with people that are skilled to do the work.

July 13- On this day I learned about a business model. A business model is basically a new way to make or sell something. Another key term I learned is competitive strategy which is how you will do better in relation to your rivals. If we look at a business like Walmart it is the prime example of using a business model and competitive strategy. They set up stores in rural areas and target specific people in a specific area that no one was targeting and offered products at a discounted price. In comparison to Kmart who tried to target everyone, their competitive strategy struggled. In conclusion, I learned that it is important to have both a good business model and a clear strategy to be really successful.

July 14-

Today in techie youth I had the opportunity to learn more about the music industry, different careers in this field and how different ways to make money as a musician. One way that musicians are able to make money is though playing gigs. A major pro of gigs is that musicians are able to build their audience. I also learned that there are apps and sites that can be used to find a gigs like ReverbNation gig finder. I think this is a really amazing opportunity because for one who may be new to gigs or finding gigs, this is the perfect platform to do so. Another way musicians make money is selling band merchandise online. They can create personalized designs that represent their bands and print on merchandise and sell online like Shopify. Selling beats and samples is another way to make money as well. If you are capable of creating beats, you can sell them online to other people for income. This is also the primary form of income for many producers.

Mon. Jul. 11, 2022

Traveling and Making money (What I learned at Techie Youth today)

July 11-Today I learned about being able to travel while making money on social media. Usually we differentiate traveling and working because we feel that we may not be able to do both at the same time. It’s either we are clocking in hours and gaining money or traveling and losing money, never both. After watching a very informative video on Techie Youth, I learned that this isn’t true and it is very possible to travel and still make money. To make this possible something we have to keep in mind is keeping the cost low when traveling. For example, we should be very mindful when looking at activities, food and hotels. Some ways to do this is by going door to door asking for a free night at a hostel, eating street food and offering to advertise companies in exchange for their services. In regards to the different types to social media platforms we can use; there are youtube, Instagram, selling on Shopify store, creating content for other people and more. We can also be a tour guide in the places that we choose to visit frequently, if we are familiar enough with the place and what it has to offer.

Sat. Jul. 9, 2022

Remote Jobs (What I learned at Techie youth)

July 8-I learned a lot about Remote Jobs and different ways to be successful at it, from tips on working from home to how to create meaningful relationships through such job. I read an article that focused on creating meaningful relationships with through a remote job and I think that is very important being that you aren't actually seeing your co-workers in person but only through a screen. A lot of people have moved to remote jobs since the pandemic and I think this article gives a lot of helpful tips being that remote workers do miss out on that social aspect a regular job offers. For example making room for casual talk during meetings and incorporating things like ice breakers. This shifts the focus from just solely work to getting to learn about the those you work with and creating those relationships. Additionally, you can schedule a virtual lunch or coffee break which allows time to just simply talk freely about what you please. Lastly, being able to use video and see each other, is a pro as well. Through video, the interaction is more personable and you're able to read body language, see facial expressions which helps you learn more about the people you work with.

Thu. Jul. 7, 2022

Linkedin, Resume and Cover Letter and Mastering Interview (What I learned today and yesterday at Techie Youth)

My apologies for the tardiness of yesterday's blog. I read today that there is a daily posting component, so I am uploading for today and yesterday.

July 6-I learned more about the importance of a cover letter, resume and LinkedIn account. A LinkedIn account is used to display ones’ work experience, education journey and to network with others on a social platform. There are different ways to allow your LinkedIn profile to stand out, like a professional profile picture, appropriate headlines and a “short and sweet” bio that expands on what problems you help to solve instead of solely focusing on “you” in the bio. A resume is one of the, if not the first thing that reflects someone and their abilities when applying for a job that an employer reviews. Some important things to remember when making a resume is making sure your experiences are in chronological order, list your activities and education starting with the most recent. Lastly when it comes to a cover letter, it consist of a more in depth overview of ones’ professional experiences and how the skills learned from those experiences will be an attribute to the job that you are applying for. Some key components when creating a cover letter is to find a direct contact, incorporate a strong lead sentence and add some personality in there as well.

July 7- Today I learned how to prepare for and master an interview. It is important to present the best version of yourself from professional appearance to gaining knowledge of the company. When doing a phone interview, I learned that some key tips to remember is to confirm a time, research the company and to have salary expectations. Salary expectations can be a touchy subject but it was great to have the chance to read up on how to approach it, like offering them a salary range within 5,000. Today I also learned of some really good questions that I can use on a first interview for example, “What does it take to be succesful here?” “What are your expectations for the job?” “What is the vision for the company in 3 years?” These types of questions will show that I am invested in the company and show genuine interest for the position I am applying for.