Log of what of Alimatu Sallah has learned at Techie Youth

Wed. Aug. 17, 2022

Writing Up another Series

Today we learned about the writing sector basics of magazine writing. In this it spoke of Grammarly, The difference between magazines and journals, and the steps to becoming a magazine journalist.

Mon. Aug. 15, 2022

Sell your art they said

Today in learning how to sell your art we went through the basics like selling art online by building an audience and pricing your art pieces right basically thinking as an entrepreneur. Along the way we learned how an art consultant can help you sell your art by helping you make connections and getting your art into prestigious collections.

Thu. Aug. 11, 2022

Their called design objects they say

Today lesson was very straight forward it spoke of the laser cutting projects and robotics projects and raspberry pi.

Wed. Aug. 10, 2022

Another day another cryptocurrency

Today in my Techie Youth lesson we learned how app millennials use trade stock and cryptocurrency and now worth $5.6 billion. I also touched up in the basics of shitcoin which means a great way to lose money a.k.a. bitcoin. It went as far as a senate banking committee calling bitcoin a shitcoin.I also learned to trade cryptocurrencies. Somewhere along the way Blockchain entered the lesson segment.

Tue. Aug. 9, 2022

Another Round of Artificial Intelligence

Today I learned of AI in banking and in media industry. Went through the steps off analytic steps. As well as employment in that field.

Mon. Aug. 8, 2022

What are your best qualities?

QA was what the lesson was called today we went through the salary, quality testing, as well as learned to install a pytest.

Thu. Aug. 4, 2022

At your service

Today we focused on services which included of writing and content creation, online tutoring, digital marketing, online data entry, paid research jobs, public relations and press release.

Wed. Aug. 3, 2022

Journey on a caravan to web development

Today we learn about web development which included becoming a web creator, a data architect,and many other roles that are included in developing a website

Tue. Aug. 2, 2022

The Odyssey of artificial intelligence

In todays techie youth lesson we learn about the average salary of being an Al Engineer being around the range of $100,000-$122,433. Some other article states how to get a job in AI with no experience by being able to work on personal projects,hackathons,coding challenges and open sourced projects. I also happened to learn that AI is taking over from robots.

Mon. Aug. 1, 2022

The guide to a successful fundraising

You can do a non profitable one or one to just inform others.The articles Gave tips for pitching over the phone such as finding your confidence,dressing the part,visualizing your prospect,and keep talking about the main points.Another spoke about then went through to make points on how to send a pitching email.Some other article went on to state getting straight to what you want to say when explaining your cause.

Fri. Jul. 29, 2022

The adventures of product management

This field consist of day to day task which includes of strategic and tactical duties.

People in this field conduct research and develop strategies as well as communicating plans they work with core competence it’s which contain of conducting customer reviews, running design sprint, feature prioritizing, and the art of recource allocation.

Wed. Jul. 27, 2022

Learn About Algorithm

In todays lesson on techie youth I learned about how you can apply algorithm into you life. In a said article it states how algorithm can make you successful and you can use it to make profit. You can think algorithmically by figuring out a problem systematically. Predictive analytics also help the algorithm by detecting fraud and optimizing business tactics it’s used in retail banking and financial services and through the government and the public sector.

Mon. Jul. 25, 2022

Making money

In todays lesson of techie youth I’ve learned how to develop apps and the tools necessary to do so. I’ve also furthered my education on being an entrepreneur and what it takes.

Thu. Jul. 21, 2022

All about the feed

In todays lesson of techie youth I’ve learned more about instagram as a instagrammer this was very beneficial as I learned how to grow my following how to make money and how to edit my pictures to make them look better.

Mon. Jul. 18, 2022

Making Money

During todays lesson of techie youth I have learned various topics. I’ve learned how or make money online how to invest. I also learned More details into business new words and phrases and furthers my education on what they mean.

Tue. Jul. 12, 2022

Details into entrepreneurship

In todays lessons I’ve furthered my education on entrepreneurship. I’ve learned the hood to it as well as the bad, I’ve learned the different techniques to having a successful business & how to make revenue.

Mon. Jul. 11, 2022

All About Entrepreneurship

In todays lesson of Techie Youth I have further my understanding on entrepreneurship. I’ve learn meany things along with its pros and cons. I’ve learned how to be a leader and how important my communication skills are when wanting to be a entrepreneur. I’ve learned what makes a entrepreneur and what doesn’t make one.