Log of what of Darius Isaac has learned at Techie Youth

Fri. Aug. 12, 2022

Techie Youth Day 29: Conclusion

The 6 weeks of my participation in the Techie Youth program courtesy of the summer youth program has come to an end.

It went by extremely fast and during this fast time, I felt I was able to learn a heavy amount of high quality information. One program I have been yearning for in years past, was one that would teach young people such as myself various ways to become financially self-sufficient and improve in financial literacy. Techie Youth was what I have been looking for all these years and I am grateful for receiving the opportunity to participate.

There were many great sections within the program, but if I had to select favorites, it would definitely feature the Stocks, Selling Digital Goods, Writing, Web Development and Analyst sections. Those were just some of many that provided me with a boost to my prior knowledge or introduce me to greater knowledge on how to earn income by ways of the internet.

Thank you once again for having me and I hope the future Techie Youth program participants have just as good, if not, a greater experience than I did.

Thu. Aug. 11, 2022

Techie Youth Day 28: Final Rally Pt 4

Continuing with the Web Development section has been something I am glad I did as it contains a lot of information that is fascinating about the ways around a computer.

This section is of course just one of the many I invested time into learning as this program has many high quality sections to choose from.

With reference to investing, my plan for tomorrow is to take a look back at some of the online trading videos that are in that section. I have regained confidence in my ability to participate in the stock market trades. All of that is thanks to the tips provided by the material within the program.

Wed. Aug. 10, 2022

Techie Youth Day 27: Final Rally Pt 3

Today when logging in, I was met with a message to update my stock predictions that were made nearly a month ago.

Fortunately for me, thanks to the tips I learned from the Techie Youth program, my predictions turned out better than I expected them to be. I was able to accurately predict which direction, whether it would rise or dip, for 7 of the 10 stocks I listed would shift. Following that, I returned to the Web Development section where I took the time to watch and take in the knowledge from the videos in the section about the type you could do in that field, as well as the kind of jobs that are offered by companies in that department.

The days for my opportunity to learn through this program are winding down but it will always stick with me.

Tue. Aug. 9, 2022

Techie Youth Day 26: Final Rally Pt 2

As the final rally continues, so does my high level of interest in the Web Development and Selling Art Online sections.

Being talented enough to create and then sell high quality pieces of art or being able to showcase your web development skills are a blessing.

As the number of days left for me in this program decrease, I have been taking measures to learn all that I have been wanting to before.

Mon. Aug. 8, 2022

Techie Youth Day 25: Final Rally

As I approach week 6 of the Techie Youth program, it is worth noting that this is in fact, my final week of the internship. The last five weeks have gone by extremely quickly it seems so I expect the same for this one.

Today was going through old assignments to cleanse my errors on previous quizzes except one due to not being able to tell what exactly is incorrect. Despite that struggle, I moved on to others and have found two sections that I have an interest in learning about but not necessarily committing to, being product manager and web development.

I would not consider myself capable of developing web programs but my interest in at least learning of the processes involved are high.

Fri. Aug. 5, 2022

Techie Youth Day 24: Digital Sales (Continued)

As my 5th week in the Techie Youth Program concludes, it was one that was with the digital goods/art section again as I was intrigued by the videos and articles that went over sites I have experience with selling on there or know people who have.

Sites such as Shopify and Ebay were two popular sites amongst my peers in high school as I knew a handful of people who would resell items such as sneakers or clothes on there as a side hustle while in school. Similar to myself, they were not artistic at all but we all used videos such as the ones displayed in the section as a reference in order to get started and go through with plans of succeeding.

The next week shall bring more excitement as I continue to learn more and more from this great program.

Thu. Aug. 4, 2022

Techie Youth Day 23: Digital Sales

When going through the selling digital goods/art section, I was amazed at the videos and articles that dove into the level of talent the people in the articles and videos displayed in order to create those products to sell.

Unfortunately I am not someone who is very artistic so doing something like selling art would not be possible for me unless it involves me flipping unoriginal paintings.

The time I have spent in this program has been flying by but as I still have time in it, I will always look forward to all it has to offer.

Wed. Aug. 3, 2022

Techie Youth Day 22: Personal Finance

Today started with completing the assignment for the Analyst section and after going through the various forums that covered one of the causes for the Techie Youth program, it really made me realize just how important becoming financially self sufficient at a young age is.

Being financially self sufficient at a young age also comes with several advantages. Some of those include being more financially literate than your peers as well as building up sources of income early on.

A question that I answered on the forum thread for that assignment was perfect as the person who asked the question was one who was looking for work to complete at home. Thanks to this program, I was able to share with that person the knowledge I've obtained through here.

Tue. Aug. 2, 2022

Techie Youth Day 21: Career (Continued)

The role of a data analyst is something that is very intriguing to me due to the various skills that are required to become one.

This section covered so many interesting topics such as coding which I had a brief experience with as well as the emphasis of other computer programs that are significant in the world of business such as Microsoft Office and Visio.

Although everything but the assignment for that unit has completed, I will make the effort to research further in this career because it was high on my list of potential jobs in the future.

Mon. Aug. 1, 2022

Techie Youth Day 20: Career

As I enter the fifth week of the Techie Youth program, I decided to take a look into a career choice I have been considering entering when I graduate and that is the role of business analyst or data analyst.

I have always been fond of solving problems that involve numbers and relying on statistics for when I engage in sports arguments. Many have told me that a career in that area would be great for me. What was also great was the quality of information that of information given within the section. I enjoyed the part that went over Microsoft Excel since I have used that for both school as well as used it on my own for other activities.

Fri. Jul. 29, 2022

Techie Youth Day 19: Evolution

Seeing technology improve to the point that is it at today only has me curious as to how far humans go push it further into the future. I was amazed at what I saw when going over the Artificial Intelligence section.

Having had brief experiences with robotics and knowing others who have found a passion in that made me excited to check out that section. The videos that displayed the humanoids and the other videos going in depth about the robotics portion were very interesting to watch.

Although it feels like I just started not too long ago, this log will now make it four weeks since I have started this program. I feel that I have learned so much more and am far from done.

Thu. Jul. 28, 2022

Techie Youth Day 18: Service

After learning of the many ways to successfully sell digital goods, I found an interest in the providing services section as some of the activities highlighted within the section are some I have done in the past.

Activities such as data entry and tutoring are ones that I have experience with. At a previous internship, I was doing data entry work as a member of the budget team where I would search through the database and get in contact with companies that were receiving funds from the place of work I was in. As for tutoring, I had my fair share of being on the learning end when I was in high school.

All of those skills are great and learning what was in that section today made me motivated to go out and seek a data entry job in the future since it was a role I enjoyed and is a role I was good at.

Wed. Jul. 27, 2022

Techie Youth Day 17: Recuperation

A goal that I had set a few weeks ago was to go through sections I was interested in and attempt to pass the quizzes in as few attempts as possible. After going through some more of the selling digital goods section, I took time to check work.

Checking work is another skill that is important as it allows you to be sure what you submit is quality work.

After doing a run down on that, I returned to the section where I could continue to learning the remainder of that section.

Tue. Jul. 26, 2022

Techie Youth Day 16: Sales

Part of becoming a successful entrepreneur involves having the ability to sell. Selling, whether it be your ideas, or yourself in the case of an interview are all important skills to hone in order to strive for success.

The Selling Digital Goods section reminded me of the time when I once took upon the task of selling digital coins for a video game. Due to it the sales taking place on discord app, I had to ensure I had ways to attract potential customers to stray them away from others on the app who were attempting to make sales as well. I managed to have one consistent client who bought and sold me coins and we were both able to profit off others.

With another day logged in, I always look back at just how much this program has to offer to learn and am grateful I can take part in the journey to learn of ways to succeed online.

Mon. Jul. 25, 2022

Techie Youth Day 15: Scouting

As I enter my fourth week in the Techie Youth program, I have been taking time to explore the various sections that the program has to offer. Today was a focus on the Recruiter and Talent Acquisition section as well as the Niche Informational Websites section.

When I think of recruiting or acquiring talent, I always think about the skills and advantages those who are in those positions must have in order to attract new employees. Being able to leverage your company and the benefits that it would possess if you were to be hired there are important.

The Niche Informational Websites section was interesting as I found the breakdown of how lucrative it could be to engage in that type of work. That section is far from completed and I cannot wait to continue diving in.

Fri. Jul. 22, 2022

Techie Youth Day 14: Nostalgia

Today was an inspection of the Music Production section. Music is an area that most people show interest in, in terms of listening to it, but not as intrigued in playing it or producing it.

Music has been an interest of mine since I was younger, having taken part of the drumming program as far back as in elementary school, it was a fun activity. With playing music and learning more about it, you pick up on various aspects of music when listening to different genres on your own time. I continued with percussion all through high school but have not played since. A friend of mine had a strong interest in making rap beats so this section taking a lot of time on that made me remember those times.

Another productive week in the Techie Youth program only has me being impatient to learn more that is within the sections provided. As always, I'm looking forward to expanding my knowledge on the other sections I have an interest in.

Thu. Jul. 21, 2022

Techie Youth Day 13: Skills

Following a deeper dive into the writing section, I found myself finding the concept of writing more intriguing. I was always someone who was never fond of having to write or type a lot if it was for topics that involved heavy research because I always felt it was never showed that you had an interest.

In this section provided, it felt as if there was something to be interested in as each sub-section, especially the one that included the typing test, was fun and engaging. I am looking forward to wrapping up that section within the next few sessions and then it is onto another one.

Wed. Jul. 20, 2022

Techie Youth Day 12: Job Exploration

After no longer finding an interest in the Selling Computer-Designed Objects and Technological Crafts section, I took myself to scope out the writing section. This section contained a large pool of information that is key in determining how good of a writer you can become.

My past instructors have praised me at times for my quality of writing and I was never able to see it fully as I am someone who does more free flow writing rather than planning it in advance. Of course, that previous statement only applies to a topic I feel I can even give a lecture on due to being that knowledgeable about whatever the topic may be.

After starting it today, my goal is to finish through most, if not all of that section, in addition to achieving success on the quizzes in each sub-section.

Tue. Jul. 19, 2022

Techie Youth Day 11: Improvement

After being hit with the harsh reality regarding my recent performances on assignments, I took time to reflect and decide to invest time into improving my scores or at the very least, just learn to take my time.

Following that period, I went back to the Selling Computer-Designed Objects and Technological Crafts section to continue where I left off yesterday. Today I took a dive into what blenders were and was able to catch most of the several part series of videos that followed it.

Going forward, my goal is ace every quiz or at least pass with minimal attempts so I can inch closer to fulfilling my goal of learning all I can from this program.

Mon. Jul. 18, 2022

Techie Youth Day 10: Transition

After taking the bulk of the previous week to indulge in what the introduction course to entrepreneurship section had to offer, today consisted of wrapping that up in addition to finding another niche within the category.

Today for me, that was taking a look at the Selling Computer-Designed Objects and Technological Crafts section. Three-dimensional printed objects as well as the concept of what is entailed in this section is captivating to me as I am always excited to see the work that goes into various projects.

The time spent on this section was rather brief, but tomorrow I will be able to enjoy this section and the others going forward in this program.

Fri. Jul. 15, 2022

Techie Youth Day 9: Investing (Continued)

Yesterday was an intense look at the various types of investments and how to about striving towards success by partaking in the types introduced in this section. Having some experience with options, which was the focus for today, was something I traded often.

After an overview of other types of exchanges such as commodities, I went back to the trading options section as there were long and informative I did not get to finish. Seeing the process of options trading being explained, from call and puts, the the greek letters, it was a solid reminder for myself. Trading takes a lot of experience to "master" and I am looking forward to not only getting back, but also learning of more ways to accumulate income via this program.

Thu. Jul. 14, 2022

Techie Youth Day 8: Investing

Following the journey I took yesterday, which was receiving a "tour" of what the entrepreneurship section had to offer, today was a focus on one of the courses that are within it.

That course that I went over today. although not in full, was investing. Investing, whether it be in common stocks, or crypto, are a great way to accumulate income over time. I have experience with investing on apps such as Robinhood and WeBull over the past few years. It was quite the experience but have since let my portfolio sit.

This course was very interesting as it was a topic that I already have a decent amount of knowledge on prior to entering it, thus allowing me to remind myself of those experiences, as well learn about new information and the experience of others.

Wed. Jul. 13, 2022

Techie Youth Day 7:

After finally getting to the introduction to what the fundamentals of business and what it means to be an entrepreneur, the focus today was wrapping up the preliminary sections leading to me be able to construct an executive summary

Most of what I uncovered today pertained more to your role and how to establish a successful startup as well as how to deal with situations such as ones that involve maintaining control over others. The videos that discussed topics such as leadership, knowing how to manage your workers as well as firing them were very interesting as those are far from easy tasks. Being able to manage other people is a difficult task no matter the scenario.

After completing the other sections, I feel it is time to strive towards composing an executive summary and following that up with familiarizing myself with the sub-sections within the elective courses besides entrepreneurship.

Tue. Jul. 12, 2022

Techie Youth Day 6: Creating a Business

After going through the introduction of what it means to be an entrepreneur the previous day, today was a dive into the aspects of creating a business itself.

Starting with an executive summary, promoting your business by attracting investors and customers is a way to get started on your path. Learning about the business model, profit models, revenue streams and more were all key into my understanding of running a corporation. It was also intriguing to learn of the benefits of running a corporation vs a sole proprietorship.

Another important aspect of running a business is promoting it. The branding section provided articles and videos that explained the importance of this in great detail. As the journey in the program continues, so does my eagerness to learn all that it has to offer.

Mon. Jul. 11, 2022

Techie Youth Day 5: The Grind Begins

After learning all that was involved in the prerequisite courses the previous week, this week, being my first full week in the program was me diving into the realm of entrepreneurship.

The videos that referenced many content creators that I have watched in the past such as Gary Vee were full of great information about various ways to start up a business or ways to find your stride. There was a lot to take in but each piece of information delivered was valuable.

Tomorrow shall be a continuation of this section and I am looking forward to what lies in the realm of entrepreneurship.

Fri. Jul. 8, 2022

Techie Youth Day 4: Quality of Life

As the first week of me being in the Techie Youth program comes an to end, it is worth noting that there is a lot of high quality tips and information provided for you to use as a guide to succeed in the future.

Today's material covered was mostly having to do with quality of life and how maintaining a good balance between that and work life are key. Sections such as networking with others and knowing how to successfully work a remote job all tie into quality of life as mental and physical health is important.

Next week shall be more intense as I will have 5 days to dive deeper into the program and reap the benefits of what I've learned.

Thu. Jul. 7, 2022

Techie Youth Day 3: Perfect Candidate

In the third day of the program, most of the material I went over had to do with how to better prepare myself for interviews and what to do in order to give myself the best chance at success.

Info such as ways to treat interviews as if you are selling a product, which in that case would be your skills and what you bring to the company, was helpful as I have had interviews in the past and did not utilize some of the tips provided from the articles in the program. Although I had a high rate of success in interviews conducted in the past, using what I've learned here will allow for me to give myself a greater advantage when venturing out into my career.

Tomorrow I should be wrapping up one of the introduction courses and I will be able to inch closer to getting into the electives.

Wed. Jul. 6, 2022

Techie Youth Day 2: Importance of the Individual

For the second day of the program, I took a deeper dive into the sections that highlight personal finance methods and how to set up various accounts to aid with payments.

We all like getting paid and that section covered all the important aspects to allow yourself to do just that by way of signing up through services such as Chime, which allow you to receive checks faster.

In addition to that, I also took the time to view the importance of social media, but more of how you should yourself in both casual and professional settings. Setting up accounts on sites such as LinkedIn and following advice such as how to conduct yourself during interviews helped.

Tue. Jul. 5, 2022

Techie Youth SYEP Day 1: A Brief Overview

With this being the first day of my SYEP internship at Techie Youth, I was excited to learn all that this site has to offer. As someone who studies finance and indulges in side hustles to make money, this was intriguing to find a job that contains various ways to accumulate income through the internet.

Since it was the first day, I took the time to engage in viewing multiple videos about social media sources as well as personal finance tips. Many of which I viewed today was taught to me at some point prior to this program, which refreshed my mind on aspects such as e-commerce.

With this being the first of many days I will be in this program, I look forward to learning all it has to offer.