Log of what of Jared Harmon has learned at Techie Youth

Fri. Aug. 12, 2022

What I learned at Techie Youth: Day 27

I learned more about how to make money off of social media such as instagram today. I learned tips on how I can grow my page faster such as the usage of hashtags and collaborations. I learned how to use insights to view my analytics. I learned about various influencer marketplaces where I can go to make my page profitable, like Fohr. I learned what an affiliate marketer is and what it takes to become one. Finally, I learned how to buy and sell accounts to earn money.

Thu. Aug. 11, 2022

What I learned at Techie Youth: Day 26

Today I decided to learn how I could make money off of social media platforms. I learned that if I could build a large enough following, I could begin to promote products or sell things that could give me a form of income. I learned how to edit my photos to make them more appealing for instagram and I learned what the popular topics are so I can build my following around them.

Wed. Aug. 10, 2022

What I learned at Techie Youth: Day 25

Today, I completed the entreprenaur unit. While finishing the unit I learned how to hire employees and the many leadership styles and how to be a boss. I also learned how to fire, lay off, or terminate an employee who is not fit for the job. I learned how to make sales and get clients to make money. I learned the importance of physical labor and why every business should have an MVP.

Tue. Aug. 9, 2022

What I learned at Techie Youth: Day 24

Today was another day learning about how to be an entreprenaur. I learned about building a recognizable and memorable brand with a slogan, logo, and a website. I also learned on how to manage finances and recieve funding for my startup. I learned how to reduce costs and how to pitch to investors. Lastly, I learned how to understand profit margins and know how much a customer is worth.

Mon. Aug. 8, 2022

What I learned at Techie Youth: Day 23

Today, I continued to focus on making progress in the entreprenaur unit. I learned a lot of interesting things today, like the importance of asking for help and forming partnerships. I also learned what an executive summary is, what needs to be in it, andwhy it's important. I learned how to legally set up a company and how many types of companies there are. A sole-proprietor, a partnership, and corperations. Lastly, I began learning how to build a brand.

Fri. Aug. 5, 2022

What I learned at Techie Youth: Day 22

The day was spent learning more about being an entreprenaur. First I learned how to appeal to customers. I learned about the importance of a strong value propostion and how that will attract more customers. I also learned how to compete with and learn from other similar businessess in the market. I learned how to contingency plan so that I have a plan of action when something goes wrong. I also learned how to form an exit strategy, how I could bring an end to my business with a positive outcome, like being bought by a bigger company. Lastly, I learned what to look for in a co-founder.

Thu. Aug. 4, 2022

What I learned at Techie Youth: Day 21

Today, I learned even more on how to be an entreprenaur. I learned how to select a vialble business model and learned how many corperations climbed to the top. I learned that I should set realistic goals instead of dreaming big. I learned about the importance of failing and doing it early on. Lastly, I learned about profit models and revenue streams

Wed. Aug. 3, 2022

What I learned at Techie Youth: Day 20

Today I learned the fundamentals of being an entreprenaur. I learned the difference between hard skills (skills required for jobs that are aquired from other experiences),and soft skills (skills aquired and developed on your own). I learned about the daily life of an entreprenaur and their work schedule. And most importantly, I learned about what it takes to be a good and respectful leader.

Tue. Aug. 2, 2022

What I learned at Techie Youth: Day 19

The last of the product manager unit was completed today. I learned how much a product manager makes, how they can work remotely, and the hiring process for product managers. After learning how to make a product, it seemed appropriate to learn how to make a business as well, so I began the entrepreneurship unit. There I began learning what an entrepreneur is, what it takes to be one and how to create and lead a business.

Mon. Aug. 1, 2022

What I learned at Techie Youth: Day 18

Today was spent continuing the product manager unit. Today I learned how to track the success of a product by reading analytics and knowing the key performance indicators. I also learned about product market fit so I know not to create a product that consumers have no need for. Along with that, I learned how to effectively communicate with others as a product manager. I read about how to actively listen to both consumers and other team members. The different ways to communicate with stakeholders, and the importance of being a good storyteller.

Fri. Jul. 29, 2022

What I learned at Techie Youth: Day 17

Made more progress working through the product manager unit, learning what it takes to create my own marketable product. Today I learned about product planning. I learned all the steps neccessary to successfully push out a product, from strategy, to the roadmap, to the backlogs. I also learned about the developmental phase of making a product. I learned about the different frameworks on which to base my product on, the different stages of development such as MVPs and MDPs. Lastly, I learned the importance of quality assurance testing.

Thu. Jul. 28, 2022

What I learned at Techie Youth: Day 16

Today, I began the product manager unit. I thought it would be interesting to learn how the things we use in our everyday life are made behind the scenes. Product managers are the people behind it all. I learned about the role a product manager has in a business, and the skills they need to have to qualify for the position. I learned about their workday and the three phases of product management. I also learned how to effectively collect data and feedback about the products using customer interviews and surveys. The data can be used to make adjustments to the current or future products.

Wed. Jul. 27, 2022

What I learned at Techie Youth: Day 15

Today, I started learning about the more specialized services in the providing services unit. These are jobs that require more advanced skills and knowledge about the tools needed for the job. First, I learned how to sell stock photos, audio, and video on various platforms. Next, I learned how an artist can sell their artwork online. After that I learned how a model can work online over the internet. Then I learned about graphic design and how to make a website or photos look appealing through photoshop. The last thing I learned was all the websites I could go to to find work.

Tue. Jul. 26, 2022

What I learned at Techie Youth: Day 14

Continued on in the providing services unit today. I learned about more simple job opportunities like getting paid to give feedback on products or getting paid for conducting research both online and in person. I learned about PR agents and what their job entails of, and how important press releases are to building a brand. I learned more stuff about SEO and how to run an ad campaign online. Lastly, I learned about voice acting and its industry works.

Mon. Jul. 25, 2022

What I learned at Techie Youth: Day 13

After finishing up the writing unit by learning about grant writing, I began the Providing Services unit. There, I started to learn about jobs I could start that don' require any hard to learn skills. Jobs that pretty much anyone could learn to do quickly. Such jobs are freelance writing, online tutoring, digital marketing, and online data entry. These jobs are rather simple so they are great opportunites to quickly pick up a new skill and get a job at the same time.

Fri. Jul. 22, 2022

What I learned at Techie Youth: Day 12

Today, I learned a lot more on how I can make money by writing. There are a lot more jobs for writers than I initially thought. I learned about SEO backlinks and how I can earn money by having other people link to my site. I learned about how to be a customer service representative and how to properly communicate with people in that role. I learned what a technical writer is and what they do. Lastly, I learned about the many sites I can go to make money by doing transcription work.

Thu. Jul. 21, 2022

What I learned at Techie Youth: Day 11

Continued working on the writing unit today, to further improve my knowledge on making money by writing. Today I learned how to make a website for my blog and how to properly write said blog and profit off of it. I also learned how to search for opportunites to guest blog and get exposure by writing a blog on someone else's blog. The last thing I learned was what ghostwriting is and how I can make money off of it.

Wed. Jul. 20, 2022

What I learned at Techie Youth: Day 10

I started working on the writing unit today. People have always told me that I have amazing writing skills and great storytelling abilities, so learning how to make money off of my writing would be pretty neat. I learned what the difference between magazine writing and journal writing was. Journals are more for informative reading and magazines are for entertainment. I also learned the pros and cons of both traditional publishing, and self-publishing.

Tue. Jul. 19, 2022

What I learned at Techie Youth: Day 9

I continued working through the music production unit. I learned how to properly monitie my music using various companies that can stream and distribute my music. I learned about iSRCs and how important it is for each song I make to get a code. I also learned about licensing and royalties.

Mon. Jul. 18, 2022

What I learned at Techie Youth: Day 8

To start of the week, I began the elecive unit of Music Production. I enjoy creating my own music so learning how to make a career out of it would be wonderful. I learned that all you need to use to create music is just a computer, as there are many applications that can be used to create music. I also learned all the different jobs you can have in the music industry such as, producer, engineer, teacher, and DJ. I learned that you can not only make money by composing for media such as ads or films, but by making music and selling it for others to use.

Fri. Jul. 15, 2022

What I learned at Techie Youth: Day 7

Today, I continued to learn more quick ways I could earn money at home. Some jobs I learned you can do at home are, being a mock juror, translation, transcrpition, and ghostwriting. I learned that a good way to make money is to flip items. Buying something for cheap then selling at a good price to make a profit. I can take things that are slightly beat up, and recondition it to make it worth more. Lastly, I can make money by selling things I don't need anymore.

Thu. Jul. 14, 2022

What I learned at Techie Youth: Day 6

Before I started doing any electives, I wanted to see other ways, I could generate income quickly in the extracurricular unit. There, I learned many different quick and easy ways I can earn a couple of extra bucks at home in my spare time. From something as simple as just listening to music, to taking surveys, and even proofreading someone's work. I see now that there are ways I can make money on the side when I'm not doing anything.

Wed. Jul. 13, 2022

What I learned at Techie Youth: Day 5

Today, for the fifth day, I completed the rest of the second intro unit. Today I learned how a role model can influence your life, and how to search and acquire a mentor that can help me. I also learned how to live a jet setter lifestyle, a life where I can make money by travelling the world and posting my experiences on the internet.

Tue. Jul. 12, 2022

What I learned at Techie Youth: Day 4

For the fourth day, I continued working through the second introductory unit, learning how to improve my quality of life. I learned how to effectively manage my time, making schedules and various other methods to plan efficiently. How properly keep myself physically and mentally healthy to keep myself productive. Finally, how to keep myself stress free and happy.

Mon. Jul. 11, 2022

What I learned at Techie Youth: Day 3

For the third day of Techie Youth learning, I finished up the last of the first intro unit and moved on to the second. I learned how to identify and avoid scams, and how to properly network with people to build strong connections. Moving on to the second unit, Improving your quality of life, I started learning how to improve my habits financially. I learned how to keep track of what I spend, and how to differentiate what I want versus what I need to keep costs down.

Fri. Jul. 8, 2022

What I learned at Techie Youth: Day 2

On my second day of Techie Youth learning, I continued working on the intro unit. I learned how to effectively search for remote jobs using various sites like Flexjobs and Remotive, as well as learning what big companies offer these remote jobs. I also learned how to properly prepare for a job interview, be it an in person one, or a phone or online one.

Thu. Jul. 7, 2022

What I learned at Techie Youth: Day 1

Today was the first day of Techie Youth learning. Intro to earning money online was started today. I learned many interesting things today from the unit. Some of the most important bits I learned today is how to write a check, the many different credit card payment services and their differences, and all about cryptocurrency. I also learned how to properly write a resume and cover letter, and how potential employers look at your social media platforms. Finally, I learned how important linkedIn is for searcing for jobs.