Log of what of Jaylene Guzman has learned at Techie Youth

Fri. Aug. 12, 2022

last day in techie youth

today is my last day of working with techie youth due to the summer program ending school starting back I finished off with the improving your quality of life unit within this unit i learned about financial awareness and management I learned the difference between a net and a gross income. I watched videos on how to better at saving and spending my money responsibly at the end of said unit I was very well educated on what I should do with my money and what I should avoid doing with it

Thu. Aug. 11, 2022

techie youth and how to sell art online

today in techie youth I continued the sell art online unit and completed it then I proceeded to work on the immediate income unit,within said unit i learned about different ways and sites I can use to earn fast money including a site called swag bucks. I was taught how to become a transcriptionists in a medium length youtube tutorial.

Wed. Aug. 10, 2022

learning about data analyst and selling art online in techie youth

today in techie youth I was assigned to do a unit on analyst and selling art online

within those units I learned about data analyst and how to become one I learned the different ways I can sell things from different sites and markets on the internet I also learned about business analysts and what they do

Tue. Aug. 9, 2022

Techie youth

In techie youth I did my daily assignments and watched and read the videos and articles I did the music unit and the niche website along with the getting paid for our services unit I completed the curriculums and I learned about different ways I can use my time and get paid for helping others

Wed. Jul. 27, 2022

6 hrs in techie youth

in my 6 hr shift in techie youth I was assigned to watch a 6 hr video about the python tutorial course in this video I am taught by the infamous youtube programmer mosh where he instructs me on how to start and evolve in this course.

Thu. Jul. 21, 2022

my day in techie youth

in techie youth today I learned about word press and how it works I also learned sql,nosql,and mysql. in the unit about web development I was advised to watch a 3 hr long video dedicated to a tutorial on mysql for beginners within the tutorial I believe I was greatly impacted and interested in this program.

Wed. Jul. 20, 2022

today in techie youth I learned....

today in techie youth I learned about web development roles and how to become a data architect and whats a quality assurance engineer and whether or not if I should become one I was guided throughout the video by Dylan Israel. I was also taught about product managers and what they do I think I have taken interest in the data architect career or even a web architect.

Fri. Jul. 15, 2022

learning about cryptocurrencies and forex at techie youth

today in techie youth I worked on the trading stocks and bitcoin unit and within the unit I was exposed to a whole new world of currency and a new way to invest and make money, in the unit I watched a video on Jim rogers and how he became a commodities trader I think this unit has caught my attention quite a lot I feel as though getting into cryptocurrency could help with a lot including generational wealth which is a lifetime goal of mine that I am working towards while being enrolled in this program.