today i learned how to utalize the junk electronic that i have i my house such as the wires and breaking apart toasters to make toast and usinf junk to make a lamp. u can make a lamp out of a lot of old household objects.Then i finished that section and went into learned about photoshop
today I learned how to program a minicontroller thing kinda of like a small device that you can program.I watched a youtube series about electronics thats taught me the math and scientific behind compastors which are like mini batteries but not really.Also about watts and olms law
today i learned about prgramming code with analog hardware. I was slightly familiar with the work because ive used code and those types of deign board in school.Though it was a while ago so i had to familirize myself with it
Today i learned about lazer cutting softwares like auto cad. I learned about designing things that can be cut out of wood and line work art thaat was cool.Mamy softwares have similarites to adobe
TODAY I LEARNED ABOUT ADOBE illustrator and i watch a very long video on the basic and making example models.I knew a little about adobe before watvhing thevideo so it refreshed some of the basics i had while teaching me the correct design methods
finished up the section from yesterday then moved into artuicles that helped me make sure I make my product correctly then I built a fake model of my deisgn with paper which was challenging. then i moved on to starting the adobe video.
today i learned about another websiste that i could use to design but its really complex and even tho it says it fir beginners i dont think it really is. very complicated. Also its more like shapes and flat curcaes my product isnt so stiff so i wont continue with it
today i worked in auto cad 3d basics learning how to use there software which was fairly complicated.I dont think i will go forward working with it especially since it does cost money
today i learned about another 3d design webiste and i think i found the one i will use for the project.I also have come up with a deisgn idea that best supposrts the webiste.Though im not done with the unit so im not fully sure
Today i learned how to use tinkercard a website that allows you to create 3d models of almost anything you can put your mind too.It connects to the assignment cause you have to make a prodigy item possibly using the website ushing shapes and different colors slicing breaking part and monuvering the peices exactly how you want
t0day i learned about the hiring process and what the day in the life of a hiring manager loooks like.Hiring managers take lots of meeting calls and can even work from home they scout out potential for the possible second step
today i went over ecrutingg and how it differes from a hiring manager I learned the slary whichcan up too 100k low earnings is about 50k.I learned the baisc of what being a recruiter is
today i went through some of the ai courses and i learned about some of the programs then i went and completed some assigments from pass courses like the community group and niche website. the communty group was about flowers and the niche website was a blog post about nyc
today i learned how to code an app using #c language and there are other languages like java. i learned how to run errors in my code to make sure if everything was working corrrectly and how to make it run efficently
today i worked on app creation and i learned the different softwares you use for different purposes of an theyre different lorograms for watch apple and samsung and different softwares for apps on apple store and play storde
today i finished up the fundraising unit and it connected back to when i wen tover customer derviced because you not only need to be a peoples person but you need to know how to conduct yourself properly to gain support and donations.
today i went over how to fundraise through social media and how to spread the word about your topic and what people do and dont want to see when it comes to what your trying to spread.I learned strategies that connected within th writing topic i went over and niche groups.Because ifyou can write well and connect to people with the same intrest you will have better chance of fundraising
today i learned about customer service and transcription jons then reviwed ghostblogging for the quiz
today i learned about blog post and how theyre ppc the use of blog post and indepent writers
today i did some of the wiriting section and i learned about journals, books, preffered contract and designs
today I learned how to make a profit off basic skills I can easily learn how to do like podcasts and photogrpahy. Using apps such as adobe and itunes/ spotify.
today i learned about email marketing and more on google docs and niche websites
today i learned about niche websites and how they cater to getting more google searches and getting attraction
Today i learned how to grow an art business from how to make prints, how to grow different social media platforms, how to make extra money when dealing in a tough business to support you full time and different websites used to submit art through
today i touched on finance and learned more about the different kinds of stocks and terminology. Their common stocks are better for investors in the long run and preferred for investors with less risk. Then i moved onto social media to see how to market a company and learned theme pages are most beneficial to gain activity on an account and make money when you reach a certain amount of followers.Lastly worked on art and how to avoid scams and start up an art business.
Today I learned about fundraising. There are two kinds of fundraising cold and warm. Many non-profit organizations are virtual now due to covid. It's one of the smarter moves though because you can get a wider audience and it's just less of a hassle. When fundraising you need to state the mission and background of your company making it short and sweet. You can spread your message through text or email. Emails need to be engaging and sent at least 7 times a year. The best kinds of donations are recurring ones.
Today I learned how to be a proper leader and manage my time. Time management is one of the most significant things people struggle with, we feel as though there isnt enough time in the day but their really is. There is 168 hours in the week and cutting out things that arent important such as watching tv we can fit the important things in our day.
Today i was working on and learning entrepreneur work.I was learning what makes a good boss and how not too overbearing and picky with my workers.I also learned more about how the job interview process is and how i want to sell myself to my potential bosses. They are the customers and i need to be prepared for interviews. Have a notebook, ask questions, arrive early, and familiarize myself with the brand. I learned how not to be a pushover when working for someone by learning when to say no and when im being taken advantage of.
On my first day of Techie Youth i learned about what the program is really about. Here at Techie Youth you guys specialize in helping individuals find what truly intrest them through resources such as youtube videos and article links. When i was doing the introductory course i learned about finance, resumes, proper social media conduct and how to search for remote jobs. In finance i learned about different kinds of checking accounts, checks and crypto. In resumes i learned how to write a proper resume and an appropriate cover letter and linkendin. I also learned that you’re googled before every you’re accepted for a job so they know if you’re a good candidate for the job. Lastly i learned about remote jobs and how to watch out for scams.