Today I learned about Commodities Trading. What is a commodities, and how to speculate in commodities trading. A commodity is a basic good used in commerce that is interchangeable with other goods, such as natural gas, salt, gold, coal, coffee and much more. During commodities trading, investors participate in future trading, which means they make an educated guess on whether a commodity would increase or decrease in the future, and profit off market volatility.
Today I learned about REITS Trading, what is REITS Trading, and what are the advantages and disadvantages of REITS Trading. REITS stands for Real Estate Investment Trusts are trusts where investors can buy shares of the company's portfolio.
Unlike buying traditional real estates, REITs investors does not have to worry about property taxes, and paying utility fees such as water and gas. However, buying real estates offers more control over the assets, such as having the power to vacant residents, and they own the the real estates in general.
Today I learned about what is Forex, why is Forex important, and how to tell if Forex market will increase. Forex is short for foreign exchange, where people trade different currencies such as from American dollars to Japanese yen. Forex is one of the most largest financial markets in the world, with daily trades worth up to 3.3 trillion. Like any other markets, prices between two currencies will increase and decrease based on many variables such as economical and political stability, increase in domestic net export and higher return on investment.
Today I learned about Block chain, what is block chain, and why is it influential. Block Chains are a chain of blocks that contains information, it is used in online transaction due to its secure feature. Block Chains are important because it can transfer information without the usage of third party intermediary such as a bank.
Today I learned what is technical writing, why does a technical writer do, and why is technical writing important. Technical writing is a form of writing where the writer conveys technical topics and simplifies them. Technical writers are important because they write guides that give users instructions and simplifies terms that they might not understand. Technical writers are responsible for writing instruction manuals, technology guides, and many more.
Today I learned about what is guest blogging and how to pitch yourself as a guest blogger; the dos and don'ts. Guest blogging is when a company or someone invites or hires an an outside person to write the blogs for them, hence the "guest". One can pitch themselves as a position in guest blogging by contacting people through connections, if one does not have connections, they can do something called round-up post, it is where the blogger will send their blogs to experts in their field in order to get feed back and establish friendly connections.
Today I learned about the importance of writing, what are some of the advantages to make money by writing and what are the different ways that you can make money from writing. Writing is an essential skill to learn because we depend on writing to communicate our thoughts to other people, knowing how to write better improves your ability to get your thoughts to other people. An major advantage of writing is that you don't need to have an degree to become an professional writer, and one can make money from writing magazines or journals. One can publish a book or write blog posts online.
Today I learned about the importance and the legality of branding. Branding is important because it serves as an icon to the consumers, where it will represent your company. Thus it is important to make sure that your brand logo is original and creative. Not copied from other company's logo design as this will lead to legal issues such as copy right infringement, in which they can sue you for copying their logo and bring you to court, and you might be fined based on the court decisions.
Today I learned about Business Entity, such as what are corporations and sole proprietorship and the advantages and disadvantages of different business entities. When creating a business entity, you would have to pay to create one, where there would be an bank account for the company. Creating a corporation would cost more than a sole proprietorship, however, when a corporation is sued, the owner's personal assets would not be at risk. But under sole proprietorship, the assets of owner would be at risk if the company could not afford the legal fees.
Today at Techie Youth I learned about Job Interviews, from how to be prepare for one to what should you do and not to do during an Job Interviews, and what are some tricks and tips when it comes to interviews online. In order to prepare for an job interview, you should research about the company before hand, and during the interview you should think about some of the possible questions that the interviewer will ask you about. Some of the most important aspects is that ask the interviewer questions after they have finished.
Today I learned about how to manage your time better and the importance of a role mole and mentors. Time management is important because it allows you to divide up your time to work efficiently, there are many software out there such as Kanban board that helps you manage your time more efficient and keeps track of your progress. The difference between a mentor and a role model is that, a role model is someone you look up to or is inspired by because of their accomplishment, and a mentor is a professional that gives you advise and guide you in your field.
Today I learned about different types of scams involved and what are the tell-tail signs of a scam. There are many kinds of scams, some try to get your person identification for malicious purposes, others try to scam you of your monetary possessions. When it comes to recognizing a scam, think about the authenticity of the offer. Some scammers might promise a high position in a company with no experience needed, or has unreasonably high salary for a simple role, which is irrational because they won't make a profit offering too much for a simple role. Or if someone is willing to sell you something way below market prices, it might be either stolen or defective.
Today I learned what does business planning do and the importance of it in an operation. Business planning is like a guide or road map that leads you through each stage of starting and managing a business, there are many elements that make up a business plan. Such as executive summary, where it summarizes what does the company do and the product it produces to why the company will be successful. Business plans are important because they are like the resume of your company, a good business plan are vital to attract potential investors and business partners alike.
Today at Techie Youth, I learned that there are many processes and different channels that business owners have to innovate in order to compete in the market. There are many different channels that a business owner can choose to innovate or improve on. One example would be how Spotify created a methods where users can buy individual songs instead of purchasing an entire album, which increased sales. Later music privacy became an issue so they made music free on their app and implemented a advertisement system to generate ad revenue. This example helped me understand the process of innovation behind business channels better.
Today at Techie Youth, I learned methods and different ways to manage and keep track of my finances better, such as saving up a portion of the money away every month and to not spend money on labilities, or on items such as cars or the newest version of iPhone because their monetary value decreases the more you use them. Some tips I learned is to keep track of your monthly spending and go over them to see if you can reduce some unnecessary spending or subscriptions.
Today marks the 3rd of Learning how to E-Earn on Techie Youth. I mainly focused on topics on how to improve my negotiation skills. Since it is a very important skill to learn such as negotiating your salaries with a employer and to make business deals. I learned many concepts and ways to improve my negotiation skills. such as using the "Elevator Sales Pitch". It is a compressed type of sales presentation, listing all the benefits and advantage within the allotted time from the elevator reaches its destination.
Today I focused on learning topics about Jobs. The process of getting a Job, preparing for interviews and the arts of negotiation. I learned in depth about how to prepare for interviews, such as what are such of the common questions that interviewers ask you during interview, how to make a good first impression, and lastly, things to avoid doing during the interview and after the screening process. Such as not asking what is your salary during the interview and check on the internet about things you post on your social media content. I was very intrigued in learning more about the Job process as I would need to learn this material in the future!
Today at Techie Youth I learned various financial topics such as what are the different types of savings account, how do I deposit and endorse a check, how to open a bank account and money management. I also learned many things about working remotely, such as the advantages and disadvantages that comes with remote work, some ways to earn money remotely. The most important thing I learned today at Techie Youth would have to be how to create and improve my resume and social accounts such as LinkedIn. The videos and guides helped me understand what I should do, such as use strong keywords that relate to my future job and simplify the contents.