Today continued my exploration of web development. It mostly consisted of videos getting very detailed into the designing process and how to monopolize on such designs.
Today I mostly explored the web development section of the virtual assistant unit. In doing so I primarily focused on the very different roles involved in such. It was interesting to learn the basics as well as go in depth about these roles and their responsibilities and how they're implemented.
I continued to work on the virtual assistant unit, mainly watching a bunch of videos for the day focusing on web design and things regarding web development. This was really interesting however intimidating considering tech related areas are not my strong suits.
For the past couple days I've worked on the virtual assistant unit. This included things such as office skills, productivity apps, etc. For the most part, my primary focus today was to double check anything I've missed.
Today I dove deeper into the virtual assistant unit. I learned about the how to use some things to my advantage, to continue tp advance in the field. This includes topics like using social media, and different productive apps. Becoming more familiar with them was super insightful and interesting to learn about.
For the day I mostly worked on the writing unit and learned about different ways to apply such in the market to make an income. It was interesting to learn about how important writing was in many different fields and to see a similar application across the board. I love writing and never really acknowledged all that can really come from it, if I chose to follow through with such endeavors. To continue I briefly looked into the virtual assistant unit. This unit I've been looking forward to indulging in considering how I have contemplated this job position before, however just did not know where to start.
For the most part today I worked on learning about trading commodities and continued to indulge in the options the world of trading offer. There's so much to stocks and currencies that I really didn't know much about so this is very interesting. It's long and tedious, but I'm excited for the assignment to apply all I've learned.
Between the past two days I've been really diving into the ins and outs of trading options. I've watched many videos for most of both days, even exploring games and sites that could all better my understanding of trading, hot to get started, the different options and markets, etc.
Today I primarily focused on learning about how to maintain my well-being. This is in regard to finances, mental space, emotionally and physically. I used to always be confused by topics such as liquifying funds, however today that was clarified. I am also a lover of TED Talks and the TED talk discussing how happiness is created and not just there really resonated with me. This is a concept I have been drilling into my head and something I've been working on constantly.
Protecting Myself For 7-14-22
As for yesterday, I primarily worked on being aware of scams. In doing so I was able to be advance my knowledge on tell-tale signs of such, what to do in these situations and how to avoid/prevent these situations. On a general basis I reviewed stuff that I have completed to make sure I have completed all assigned quizzes and assignments.
Developing my Professional Credentials For 7-15-22
Today I worked a lot on developing my LinkedIN account, my resume, and a cover letter. Prior to today cover letters were really intimidating, however with a little help I was able to accomplish plenty. I've already received opportunities from LinkedIN!
Today my primary focus was becoming my best professional self. I've learned about the importance of having confidence, how to prepare for job interviews most effectively, how to better my work environment from home, etc. My favorite topic was definitely discussing confidence. I find that although I am fully qualified for a position I am riddled with imposter syndrome and put the person sitting across the desk at a pedestal; However, we are equally as important and equally as needed, we simply have different perspectives.