Log of what of Peyunney Brown has learned at Techie Youth

Thu. Aug. 11, 2022

Watching the second half of the MySQL tutorial

Today I finished watching the second half of the MySQL tutorial from Programming with Mosh on YouTube. In the video I was taught about self joins, joining multiple tables, compound join conditions, implicit join syntax, outer joins, outer joins between multiple tables and self outer joins, the USING clause, natural joins, cross joins, unions, column attributes, making & updating single, multiple and hierarchal roles, deleting them, creating table copies, using subqueries in updates and restoring databases.

Wed. Aug. 10, 2022

Watching the MySQL tutorial

Today I have watched half of the MySQL tutorial from Programming with Mosh on YouTube and I learned about the SELECT statement and clause, the WHERE clause, the AND, OR, NOT, BETWEEN, LIKE, REGEXP, IS NULL, ORDER BY and LIMIT operators, inner joins and joining across databases.

Tue. Aug. 9, 2022

Learning about SQL vs NoSQL and MongoDB

Today I learned about the differences between SQL and NoSQL and how to use MongoDB. I learned that SQL data uses schemas while NoSQL data doesn't have them. SQL has relations while NoSQL either has a few relations or none at all. SQL data is distributed across multiple tables while NoSQL data is usually merged or nested in a few collections. Horizontal scaling in SQL is difficult to do, and in some cases it's impossible. But vertical scaling is 100% possible. NoSQL doesn't have this problem as horizontal and vertical scaling are both possible. SQL has limitations for thousands of read & write queries per second, while NoSQL can handle mass read & write requests all at once with no performance issues. To use MongoDB, I'll need to download their server from the MongoDB website. I also learned about the commands that can be used for it such as 'db.dropDatabase,' 'db.CreateCollection,' 'db.posts.update,' and 'db.posts.find().pretty'.

Mon. Aug. 8, 2022

Writing SQL code on Khan Academy

Today I have learned how to create tables, sort integers and insert data using sums with SQL code. I will need to use a primary key, name text and an integer named whatever I want for it to work. After that I need to put in some "INSERT" lines. Lastly, I need to make some SELECT lines to make the list fully complete. It should display things like a grocery list or the total amount of things you'll buy depending on what you're making.

Thu. Aug. 4, 2022

Learning about SQL basics

I did not have enough time to complete all the SQL assignments for the Databases section, but I did learn a few things about SQL. I learned about the functionality of columns and rows, how to display them and how to order, filter and limit the display of rows. I will probably finish the rest of the Database section by tomorrow, today I had to take care of other stuff.

Wed. Aug. 3, 2022

Learning about SQL basics

I did not have enough time to complete all the SQL assignments for the Databases section, but I did learn a few things about SQL. I learned about the functionality of columns and rows, how to display them and how to order, filter and limit the display of rows. I will probably finish the rest of the Database section by tomorrow, today I had to take care of other stuff.

Tue. Aug. 2, 2022

Learning about WordPress

Today I learned about how WordPress works. It's a PHP software that uses MySQL for database management. It requires no coding, and it's the most popular free content management system and it makes up about 30% of websites online. When you use wordpress.com (free version), you can have your site deleted for any reason, you can't make money off the site with ads, you can't use plugins, you can't make a customizable theme, and you do not own your domain name. If you use wordpress.org (paid version) instead, you will not deal with these limitations and you can do everything that wordpress.org won't let you do. I learned that if I want to install WordPress, I will need to use HostGator to host the paid WordPress site. I won't need to have additional services on HostGator because there are free alternatives. When I'm finished setting up the HostGator stuff, I should go to its marketplace in the One-Click Installs section and download WordPress. After that, I'll set up the installation settings and get login information to access the administration stuff. I also learned that the site will have to take at least up to a day to be accessed, because the site information is being spread across the world. When the site is available for me to use, instead of using the admin login built in the page, I'll need to put in '/wp-admin' at the end of the site's URL for that moment and the future. The reason for this is because after the login credentials are entered, the admin login button on the main page is going to disappear. I learned how to utilize posts, media, pages, comments, contact forms, themes, plugins and password changes. I learned that plugins can let you do a variety of things like making an online store or showing Instagram stories. Plugins like Orbit Fox are helpful for adding easier customization to themes. I also got recommendations for WordPress themes, and the one that sticks out the most to me is the Shapely theme, the Ocean WP theme and the Hestia theme. Mostly the Hestia theme caught my eye, because it allows a lot of creative freedom for what you can put on the page.

Mon. Aug. 1, 2022

Learning about version control

Today I learned that SVN is a version control system that lets you collaborate on files. Files are collaborated on with tortoise SVN clients. The tortoise SVN client should be used for creating files and importing them to the SVN server. It's also necessary for keeping track of different versions of files. I also learned how to modify txt files with the VisualSVN server and also checking the file's update logs with the tortoise SVN. I learned how to make branches and tags, and how they can be used in SVN for having people work on different versions of the same code. I also learned about the basic commands of GitHub, how they function and how to make apps with Git.

Wed. Jul. 27, 2022

Learning about website administration

Today I learned about domain registration, hosting websites, DNS servers and SSL certificates. I should use sites like GoDaddy for domain registering and HostGator for hosting websites. I'll need to take the DNS servers from HostGator and put them in GoDaddy's DNS settings. When you type in a domain name (something like www.google.com), it will be sent to a DNS server and it will be mapped to the IP address of the web host, so you can access the website. When making a website, I will need to consider whether or not I will create more, what I'll develop the site with and the website's traffic. Sites could have low traffic if they're local, while global websites can get high traffic and they may have to change their options for hosting. I learned that there are 6 types of web hosting: shared servers (the easiest to set up, but it has slow servers), reseller servers (it allows you to sell hosting, but the servers are shared), virtual private servers (it allows more control over the server, but it's expensive), dedicated servers (it allows you to run your own server by yourself, but it requires IT skills and a lot of money), cloud servers (they are fast but the price is high and you lack control) and managed WordPress servers (they are optimized and secure, but it requires a lot of money and you won't have much control). I learned that Netlify can be used to host static websites. The easiest way to add a site to Netlify is to drag a folder containing your website to a certain page. I also learned that websites can be deployed with Github. Netlify will automatically recognize any change to code in Github. You can also do snippet injections and asset optimizations for Netlify. I will need to use a program called FileZilla to transfer files. Alternatively, I can use the Cyberduck program. I will need to go into HostGator's file manager and overwrite the public HTML folder by replacing it with files from my own website. I will need to make an FTP account for HostGator and let FileZilla take the information of the FTP account, get the folders of the site, delete the unneeded files and upload my own. After that, the site should be accessible. I also learned about SSL certificates. When you go to a site with 'https' in it, the web server hosting a site will receive a request and then it will send back a a public key and a certificate for a secure page. A certificate is information that tells you things like who owns the website, and when the certificate expires. The browser will inspect the certificate to see if it is trustworthy, looking at the certificate's expiration and seeing if it's related to the site you're looking at. If everything is fine, the browser will make a random symmetric key to encrypt information and ship it back to the web server. The web server will use the symmetric key to encrypt extra information. The browser and server use symmetric keys to encrypt data before sending it and after it arrives. Making a self signed certificate is going to make the browser suspicious of your page unless you're a trusted authority. On the other hand, self signed certificates are free, they're good for personal websites, testing your websites before paying for a real certificate, and eventually creating a root certificate. I also learned that I can make my own web server from home using apps like WAMP or XAMPP.

Tue. Jul. 26, 2022

Learning about web development roles

Today I learned about the differences between front end developers and back end developers. These were the things that stuck out to me the most. Front end workers get paid less because there's a lot of competition for them while back end developers get paid more. It was suggested that visual learners should do front end jobs and people who like messing with terminals should do back end jobs. I learned that web designers and web developers can be compared like people who work on cars; one is responsible for the aesthetics while the other is responsible for the internal functions. It's said that web design is recommended for people who like to express themselves visually, while web development is recommended for people who like to analyze things. I learned that backend is an application, or a set of applications that are connected to the internet with the purpose of servicing client requests, while frontend is anything that runs on a client. I learned that web servers sit on 1 computer while a database sits on a separate computer. They're separate because they cannot perform to the highest ability if they're on the same computer, and they both take up a lot of resources.

Mon. Jul. 25, 2022

Learning how to create websites

I've already taken web development classes at my school, but today I learned some new things. I learned that people use an app called Visual Studio Code with a live server add-on to create websites. In the app, I learned an easy way to set up html code (typing '!' and pressing 'Tab'), how to use the button tag, using multiple fonts for a webpage, creating a layout, using inline displays, flex directions, margins, properly redirecting pages, fitting images in a layout, and having them be more presentable on mobile/tablet devices.

Fri. Jul. 22, 2022

Learning about the fundamentals of web development

Today I watched videos learning about the fundamentals of web development. I learned that CSS changes the aesthetics of a page, while JavaScript gives the page interactivity. I learned that a server is a computer somewhere in a data center that stores information like accounts, login data, photos, files, and records of what you've created and deleted. I learned that HTML5 is more flexible than normal HTML coding, it allows you to create websites, games and apps for any device that supports it, like TVs or phones. I learned that CSS3 can utilize animations, JavaScript APIs can connect to the GPS or camera of your device and JQuery will load mobile versions of webpages so that they will be rendered, even on older phones. I learned that I shouldn't be freelancing unless I'm good at what I do. I also noted that Github should be used for getting a coding job, since it'll give you an easier time for seeking employment. I can also use it for going back to an older version of something I've coded, just in case there's a mistake with the current version. When I get paid for a web development, I should take the cost of living into account, and not do the job just for the money. I learned that computer science is recommended to be prioritized over web development. Taking my time for this course and constantly coding will improve my skils. I will have to use MDN documents or paid resources to study. I will know when to move on if I have built at least a dozen micro-components without JS, at least 5-10 single and multi-page sites, when I am comfortable with CSS fundamentals, made a navbar compatible for mobile/tablet devices in 15 minutes or less, and spent 100 hours learning and building with HTML and CSS.

Thu. Jul. 21, 2022

Revisiting financial awareness and financial management

Initially, I skipped a lot of the videos in this section because I was already told about this topic in school. But I had to look at all of the videos to complete the assignment and retake the quiz. I did end up learning about some new stuff through these videos like using apps to track your spending instead of doing it the old-fashioned way. I also learned that instead of spending time doing nothing productive, I could be using that time to make more money or working out. I might also have to sacrifice some things in order to get what I want. Not buying stuff like alcohol, paper towel rolls, sodas (junk food in general) and sneakers will be helpful for saving money since you may spend cash on them regularly. Saving all of your money at once will require a large amount of self-control because it's tempting to spend it on things that aren't important. I'll make sure to keep my spending habits in check for the future and only spend what I need. I also learned that the first thing I should consider when getting paid is investing into a retirement fund so that I won't lack any money when I get older. I'll need to have multiple checking accounts to be prepared for multiple situations like getting my money stolen. It's also convenient to get money deposited into my account instead of getting paid with physical money and depositing it at the bank, or cashing a check. I'll also need to get an emergency fund in a checking account regardless of how much money I have. I was also informed of 2 different ways to pay debts: the 'snowball method' and the 'avalanche method.' The snowball method starting with the debt that has the smallest minimum balance and paying for the debts over time, and avoiding the debts often is the worst thing you can do because you'll just owe even more debt. The avalanche method works similarly to the snowball method, but it involves you paying off the highest minimum debt first. Whether or not it works depends on how good you are at saving money. After that, I learned that another helpful saving tactic is to save up 4 to 8 months of payroll so that you can live off it for half a year just in case there's a recession happening. I also learned that investing money into things like stocks or real estate and getting a side job can make you richer. I'm not interested in investing right now, but I may consider it in the future.

Wed. Jul. 20, 2022

Good reasons to do remote work and self-motivation

Today I learned more ways to motivate myself and also good reasons to do remote work over regular work. In the 'HOW TO BE HAPPY & Get Life Satisfaction' video from Leadership 101, there was some advice that stuck out to me. Eric said that if you have a car that you don't admire when you're looking at it, that means you bought the wrong car. Afterwards, he said that you can't have everything be perfect, but you'll be happier with what you can control. He also said that good leaders should not fear failure, and if you're doing something that you don't like, then you should do something that you're happy with. I will take this advice to heart and possibly share it with others. He also told me in his 'How to Enjoy Your Life WHILE You Make Money!' video that as long as I can do a remote job that I like, and am capable of doing well, I can still enjoy life and work from anywhere I please. As for the reasons for picking remote work over regular work, I learned that you will not be in control of the work environment in someone's office compared to your own home. It is beneficial to be able to work from anywhere you are instead of having to go to a certain place to do it. Getting stipends from your job can be helpful for things like getting coffee or getting your own workspace. Other positive aspects include not having to use commutes often, better environments compared to offices, which decreases the chance of you getting sick, and better productivity. I also learned that I can go to the Upwork website to find remote jobs and see what I like. It's also a good way to see how much money you can earn from doing these jobs. I also learned that making blogs will be helpful with having businesses find you and potentially hire you for a writing job. I may use this site in the future if I would like to get a remote job. I have also learned of the downsides of remote working, such as the amount of time you'll spend on it. You could do remote work whenever you want, but that also means you'll just be doing it as soon as you get up, and you will be doing it so long that you won't know when to stop working. Having a balance between working and taking breaks is also a difficult thing to do. I can understand this on a personal level because on some days I get distracted by things that I shouldn't be worrying about like looking at funny videos online or listening to music. I do that and start thinking to myself 'What am I even doing?' Then I stop doing it, get back to work and do it all over again. I will keep in mind that I shouldn't waste time with trivial things and find a balance between what I should and shouldn't be doing. It's also difficult to work with people in different time zones if you're working for a company that's 100% remote. This would mean that setting up meetings for everyone to join would be very difficult and someone else could be asleep during that time. I learned that I will need to avoid companies that don't understand how remote work... works. It will deprive me of social interaction with the co-workers who don't do remote work, and exclude me from whatever else is going on there. They might even skip out on pay raises for the remote workers.

Tue. Jul. 19, 2022

(I have accidentally overwritten this blog with the latest one, please ignore)

Today I learned more ways to motivate myself and also good reasons to do remote work over regular work. In the 'HOW TO BE HAPPY & Get Life Satisfaction' video from Leadership 101, there was some advice that stuck out to me. Eric said that if you have a car that you don't admire when you're looking at it, that means you bought the wrong car. Afterwards, he said that you can't have everything be perfect, but you'll be happier with what you can control. He also said that good leaders should not fear failure, and if you're doing something that you don't like, then you should do something that you're happy with. I will take this advice to heart and possibly share it with others. He also told me in his 'How to Enjoy Your Life WHILE You Make Money!' video that as long as I can do a remote job that I like, and am capable of doing well, I can still enjoy life and work from anywhere I please. As for the reasons for picking remote work over regular work, I learned that you will not be in control of the work environment in someone's office compared to your own home. It is beneficial to be able to work from anywhere you are instead of having to go to a certain place to do it. Getting stipends from your job can be helpful for things like getting coffee or getting your own workspace. Other positive aspects include not having to use commutes often, better environments compared to offices, which decreases the chance of you getting sick, and better productivity. I also learned that I can go to the Upwork website to find remote jobs and see what I like. It's also a good way to see how much money you can earn from doing these jobs. I also learned that making blogs will be helpful with having businesses find you and potentially hire you for a writing job. I may use this site in the future if I would like to get a remote job. I have also learned of the downsides of remote working, such as the amount of time you'll spend on it. You could do remote work whenever you want, but that also means you'll just be doing it as soon as you get up, and you will be doing it so long that you won't know when to stop working. Having a balance between working and taking breaks is also a difficult thing to do. I can understand this on a personal level because on some days I get distracted by things that I shouldn't be worrying about like looking at funny videos online or listening to music. I do that and start thinking to myself 'What am I even doing?' Then I stop doing it, get back to work and do it all over again. I will keep in mind that I shouldn't waste time with trivial things and find a balance between what I should and shouldn't be doing. It's also difficult to work with people in different time zones if you're working for a company that's 100% remote. This would mean that setting up meetings for everyone to join would be very difficult and someone else could be asleep during that time. I learned that I will need to avoid companies that don't understand how remote work... works. It will deprive me of social interaction with the co-workers who don't do remote work, and exclude me from whatever else is going on there. They might even skip out on pay raises for the remote workers.

Mon. Jul. 18, 2022

Finding remote jobs and mastering job interviews

Today I learned the do's and don'ts of job interviews. I will remember to dress properly, not wear headphones to the interview, arrive 15 minutes early, speak with others to leave a good impression, practice interview questions while also asking some of my own, take notes, re-read the job description and research the company I'm being interviewed by. I also learned about what to do when finding remote jobs. I was told that not all remote jobs are the same and they have different requirements for what needs to be done. I will have to look out for scams as well. Specifically job offerings that promise you employment and good payment without telling you what you're actually doing or asking for your personal information as part of an application. Researching those kinds of job offers will be helpful in distinguishing the legitimate offers and the scams. I will also have to look out for location requirements so that I don't think the work is 100% remote. I will keep this knowledge in mind for future events, so that I don't make any decisions I'll regret.

Thu. Jul. 14, 2022

Pursuing my goals, the benefits of working from home, getting paid, and my public image

Today I learned that if I should pursue my goals if it's something that I'm passionate about. If it's something that I don't care about then I'm most likely not going to care for it. I also learned that working hard instead of carefully planning how you're going to get things done isn't beneficial in the long run, and it's only going to leave you exhausted. I was also informed that using something like a Chromebook, iOS or Android device isn't as efficient as using a Windows computer or a Mac computer because they limit what you can do. I will also keep in mind that I should be in a space with no visual or audible distractions. I also learned the benefits of having a PayPal account, and how I can use it to send and receive money. The video teaching me how to link my bank account to PayPal was helpful. The last thing I learned was that having a good presence on social media is important, and if you do bad things on social media like talking badly on your coworkers or saying offensive things, then it will heavily impact your chances of getting a job or getting into college. I don't use social media very often, so I won't worry about this too much. But I will keep it in mind since it's important to consider.

Wed. Jul. 13, 2022

Creating a proper resume, a cover letter and a LinkedIn page

Today, I've learned that my original resume was bad. But it wasn't bad for long, since the videos here have taught me how to present my resume in a better way. I went through a bit of trial and error to get it the way that I wanted it to be, but I feel satisfied with the current results. After that, I had to make a LinkedIn profile and start digging through old files that I had on my school's account to find examples of what I made. A lot of the configuration for the account was simple to do, but unfortunately I couldn't find an appropriate picture to use. I'm going to use the default profile picture for now until I can find a suitable replacement for it. The last thing I did today was make a cover letter. I don't think that I was taught about this in school, so I was confused about it. Then I looked into it a bit more and I understood it better. The only thing I had trouble with was figuring out who it should be written to. I thought I had to send it to the CEO of Techie Youth, but he's not going to be the one who decides whether or not I should be here anyway. So I decided that it doesn't matter who it's sent to and I just put "to whom it may concern" in the introduction. I admit it was very boring to have to write a couple of paragraphs to explain why I should have a job for this program, but I'm not mad about it because I guess it was a good learning experience and I will have to apply this knowledge into the future. I'm thankful for this opportunity to be more professional when it comes to writing resumes and setting up a social media account for work.

Tue. Jul. 12, 2022

Getting started, boosting my self-esteem and money

Today at Techie Youth, I have learned how to get started with the Learn to E-Earn program. At first I thought that having all this information at once was overwhelming but over time I was thinking, "This isn't so bad." From the videos I learned that I should be more confident in my abilities and I should not let what other people say bring me down. I have also learned the difference between net pay and gross pay, making me realize that I shouldn't get my hopes up with getting paid and not to expect a super high payment. I also learned about the benefits of budgeting. I will make a balance between spending the things that I want and the things that I need, while also avoiding wasteful purchases and keeping resale value in mind. Watching Superspeeder Rob's video was also helpful, because it showed me that you don't need to spend unnecessary money on a low budget car of lower quality compared to an expensive car of higher quality. As long as the low budget car still works, then it's fine to keep using it.