Log of what of Robiul Sazzad has learned at Techie Youth

Fri. Aug. 12, 2022

Database Design Course

Today I continue to watch the database design course by Caleb. We learned about databases. The database is a technique of code manipulation where the code is parsed and stored in a database. Database programming uses data to create business intelligence. Since the arrival of the modern database about 40 years ago, the Structured Query Language (SQL. There are many types of Centralized database databases, Cloud databases, and Commercial databases, Distributed databases. end-user database, Graph database,t, and NoSQL database.

LIKE Operator

—- Returns customers whose first name starts with b


FROM customers

WHERE first_name LIKE ‘b%’

• %: any number of characters

• _: exactly one character

REGEXP Operator

—- Returns customers whose first name starts with a


FROM customers

WHERE first_name REGEXP ‘^a’

• ^: the beginning of a string

• $: end of a string

• |: logical OR

• [abc]: match any single characters

• [a-d]: any characters from a to d

More Examples

—- Returns customers whose first name ends with EY or ON

WHERE first_name REGEXP ‘ey$|on$’

—- Returns customers whose first name starts with MY

—- or contains SE

WHERE first_name REGEXP ‘^my|se’

—- Returns customers whose first name contains B followed by

—- R or U

WHERE first_name REGEXP ‘b[ru]’

IS NULL Operator

—- Returns customers who don’t have a phone number


FROM customers



—- Sort customers by state (in ascending order), and then

—- by their first name (in descending order)


FROM customers

ORDER BY state, first_name DESC

LIMIT Clause

—- Return only 3 customers


FROM customers


Inserting Data

—- Insert a single record

INSERT INTO customers(first_name, phone, points)


—- Insert multiple single records

INSERT INTO customers(first_name, phone, points)


(‘Mosh’, NULL, DEFAULT),

(‘Bob’, ‘1234’, 10)

Mon. Aug. 8, 2022

SUBSCRIBE NOW! Database Design Course - Learn how to design and plan a database for beginners

Today I watched a database design course by Caleb. We learned about databases. The database is a technique of code manipulation where the code is parsed and stored in a database.


—- Using expressions

SELECT (points * 10 + 20) AS discount_factor

FROM customers

Order of operations:

• Parenthesis

• Multiplication / division

• Addition / subtraction

AND (both conditions must be True)


FROM customers

WHERE birthdate > ‘1990-01-01’ AND points > 1000

—- OR (at least one condition must be True)


FROM customers

WHERE birthdate > ‘1990-01-01’ OR points > 1000

—- NOT (to negate a condition)


FROM customers

WHERE NOT (birthdate > ‘1990-01-01’)

IN Operator

—- Returns customers in any of these states: VA, NY, CA


FROM customers

WHERE state IN (‘VA’, ‘NY’, ‘CA’)

BETWEEN Operator


FROM customers

WHERE points BETWEEN 100 AND 200

LIKE Operator

—- Returns customers whose first name starts with b


FROM customers

WHERE first_name LIKE ‘b%’

• %: any number of characters

• _: exactly one character

REGEXP Operator

Returns customers whose first name starts with a


FROM customers

WHERE first_name REGEXP ‘^a’

• ^: beginning of a string

• $: end of a string

• |: logical OR

• [abc]: match any single characters

• [a-d]: any characters from a to d

Returns customers whose first name ends with EY or ON

WHERE first_name REGEXP ‘ey$|on$’

—- Returns customers whose first name starts with MY

—- or contains SE

WHERE first_name REGEXP ‘^my|se’

—- Returns customers whose first name contains B followed by

—- R or U

WHERE first_name REGEXP ‘b[ru]’

—- Return only 3 customers


FROM customers


—- Skip 6 customers and return 3


FROM customers

LIMIT 6, 3

These are coding that I learned.

Wed. Aug. 3, 2022

Python Tutorial - Python for Beginners [Full Course]

Today I watched a Python Tutorial for Beginners. In the video, Mosh and a YouTuber who has 20 years of code experience were going to show us ways to learn to code in Python. Python is one of the most popular coding languages in the coding world. People use it to do cool things like automation, and use it in A.I, websites, and Applications. The first thing Mosh shows us is how to download Python and which version in our case we have to download the latest 3.7.2. Then install it from your downloads. Then Mosh shows us how to download and install PyCharm. After that, we opened up PyCharm, connected Python, and created a flower called HelloWorld. Then We started our first code. You write print (‘Your name’). This is the first code and how you can write things on the screen by writing print(“”). After that you run the code by pressing command+control+R. Which will show if the code is correct and it will run. After we drew a dog to show that python is used to show us prints and executes line by line. Mosh then defined the code as strings which means a series of charters. He tells us that if we practice python for about 3 to 4 months for 2 hours a day we will master python. This how you write a string # returns the first character course[1] # returns the second character course[-1] # returns the first character from the end course[-2] # returns the second character from the en Next we learned Variables which is one of the most variable fundamentals in the programming world. Variables temporarily store data and information. Then he shows how to add variables+string. Also, when defining variables lowercase doesn’t work. Next, we learned about inputs. We can receive input from the user by calling the input() function. birth_year = int(input(‘Birth year: ‘)) The input() function always returns data as a string. So, we’re converting the result into an integer by calling the built-in int() function. Have not finished the full video. Also, I am doing everything Mosh is doing so it takes a while for me to replay the videos, especially when you don’t understand lots of things. That is why in my usage it shows video is not played fully.

Mon. Aug. 1, 2022

PHP Programming Language Tutorial - Full Course

Today I continue on from yesterday. The PHP coding programing language that you make your website better and more powerful. Today we connected HTML and started learning about variables. Variables are used to storge information. He showed us by writing a story about a man named George who was changed to John. The way you print on PHP is you write echo with quotes mark. After that, we learned about different Data types in PHP. They are string, integer, float, boolean, array, object, NULL, and resources. Next, Mike shows us how to build up a basic calculator. The way he showed us first gets 2 inputs that get you 2 different numbers. He did input type = "number" name = 'number1' he did the same thing again = "number" name = 'number2'. After that he wrote echo $_GET['number1] + $_GET ['number2']. THen you the rn the program. Next, we learned POST V. GET. Get is request is comparatively less secure because the data is exposed in the URL bar. Post is request is comparatively more secure because the data is not exposed in the URL bar. PHP uses these two to get more information . This is what I learned today. I also did some quizzes.

Fri. Jul. 29, 2022

Python Tutorial - Python for Beginners [Full Course]

I am continuing to learn Python with Mosh. Yesterday I wasn't able to finish the full video.

If Statements

if is_hot:

print(“hot day”)

elif is_cold:

print(“cold day”)


print(“beautiful day”)

Logical operators:

if has_high_income and has_good_credit:


if has_high_income or has_good_credit:


is_day = True

is_night = not is_day

Comparison operators

a > b

a >= b (greater than or equal to)

a < b

a <= b

a == b (equals)

a != b (not equals)

While loops

i = 1

while i < 5:


i += 1


We use dictionaries to store key/value pairs.

customer = {

“name”: “John Smith”,

“age”: 30,

“is_verified”: True


We can use strings or numbers to define keys. They should be unique. We can use

any types for the values.

customer[“name”] # returns “John Smith”

customer[“type”] # throws an error

customer.get(“type”, “silver”) # returns “silver”

customer[“name”] = “new name”

Parameters are placeholders for the data we can pass to functions. Arguments

are the actual values we pass.

We have two types of arguments:

• Positional arguments: their position (order) matters

• Keyword arguments: position doesn’t matter - we prefix them with the parameter


  1. Two positional arguments

greet_user(“John”, “Smith”)

  1. Keyword arguments

calculate_total(order=50, shipping=5, tax=0.1)

Our functions can return values. If we don’t use the return statement, by default

None is returned. None is an object that represents the absence of a value.

def square(number):

return number * number

result = square(2)

print(result) # prints 4

Thu. Jul. 28, 2022

Python Tutorial - Python for Beginners [Full Course]

I am continuing to learn Python with Mosh because I feel like can learn more things from him. The reason for this is when I went to do the unit assignment I couldn't figure out some of the things I feel I need more practice on.

for i in range(1, 5):


• range(5): generates 0, 1, 2, 3, 4

• range(1, 5): generates 1, 2, 3, 4

• range(1, 5, 2): generates 1, 3


numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

numbers[0] # returns the first item

numbers[1] # returns the second item

numbers[-1] # returns the first item from the end

numbers[-2] # returns the second item from the end

numbers.append(6) # adds 6 to the end

numbers.insert(0, 6) # adds 6 at index position of 0

numbers.remove(6) # removes 6

numbers.pop() # removes the last item

numbers.clear() # removes all the items

numbers.index(8) # returns the index of the first occurrence of 8

numbers.sort() # sorts the list

numbers.reverse() # reverses the list

numbers.copy() # returns a copy of the list

Tue. Jul. 26, 2022

Options Trading for Beginners (The ULTIMATE In-Depth Guide)

Today I watched options trading for beginners with Chris. The video showed us videos and examples of options trading. basic option characteristics that all options have and briefly discuss how options are different from shares of stock option characteristic number one is that all options have an expiration date this is different from shares of stock because if you buy a share of a company's stock there's no expiration date on that position you can hold that share of stock forever as long as that company doesn't go private there's nothing that's forcing you from closing. The first thing to know is that all options have an expiration date and after that expiration date that option will no longer exist option characteristic number two is that all options have what is called a strike price the strike price is the price in which the option can be converted into shares of stock and exactly what that means is that if I have an option with a strike price of 105 dollars that means that in the future if I want to buy or sell shares of stock using my option I can do so at the options strike price of 105 dollars so this is really important and it doesn't have to make sense right now but basically an option entire valuation. the call options strike price between now and the expiration date of that option remember that one of the characteristics of all options is that they have a strike price and four call options the call option can be used to purchase 100 shares of stock at the call option strike price and as we'll see in an example in just a moment the ability to purchase shares at the call options strike price which never changes we'll get immensely valuable if the stock price increases significantly higher than that call options strike price because the option can then be used to purchase shares of stock at a steep discount to the current share price so without getting into an actual

Mon. Jul. 25, 2022

Database Design Course - Learn how to design and plan a database for beginners

Today I continue to watch the database design course by Caleb. We learned about databases. The database is a technique of code manipulation where the code is parsed and stored in a database. Database programming uses data to create business intelligence. Since the arrival of the modern database about 40 years ago, the Structured Query Language (SQL. There are many types of Centralized database databases, Cloud databases, and Commercial databases, Distributed databases. end-user database, Graph database,t, and NoSQL database.

LIKE Operator

—- Returns customers whose first name starts with b


FROM customers

WHERE first_name LIKE ‘b%’

• %: any number of characters

• _: exactly one character

REGEXP Operator

—- Returns customers whose first name starts with a


FROM customers

WHERE first_name REGEXP ‘^a’

• ^: the beginning of a string

• $: end of a string

• |: logical OR

• [abc]: match any single characters

• [a-d]: any characters from a to d

More Examples

—- Returns customers whose first name ends with EY or ON

WHERE first_name REGEXP ‘ey$|on$’

—- Returns customers whose first name starts with MY

—- or contains SE

WHERE first_name REGEXP ‘^my|se’

—- Returns customers whose first name contains B followed by

—- R or U

WHERE first_name REGEXP ‘b[ru]’

IS NULL Operator

—- Returns customers who don’t have a phone number


FROM customers



—- Sort customers by state (in ascending order), and then

—- by their first name (in descending order)


FROM customers

ORDER BY state, first_name DESC

LIMIT Clause

—- Return only 3 customers


FROM customers


Inserting Data

—- Insert a single record

INSERT INTO customers(first_name, phone, points)


—- Insert multiple single records

INSERT INTO customers(first_name, phone, points)


(‘Mosh’, NULL, DEFAULT),

(‘Bob’, ‘1234’, 10)

Fri. Jul. 22, 2022

Database Design Course - Learn how to design and plan a database for beginners

Today I watched a database design course by Caleb. We learned about databases. The database is a technique of code manipulation where the code is parsed and stored in a database.


—- Using expressions

SELECT (points * 10 + 20) AS discount_factor

FROM customers

Order of operations:

• Parenthesis

• Multiplication / division

• Addition / subtraction


FROM customers

WHERE birthdate > ‘1990-01-01’ AND points > 1000

—- OR (at least one condition must be True)


FROM customers

WHERE birthdate > ‘1990-01-01’ OR points > 1000

—- NOT (to negate a condition)


FROM customers

WHERE NOT (birthdate > ‘1990-01-01’)

IN Operator

—- Returns customers in any of these states: VA, NY, CA


FROM customers

WHERE state IN (‘VA’, ‘NY’, ‘CA’)

BETWEEN Operator


FROM customers

WHERE points BETWEEN 100 AND 200

LIKE Operator

—- Returns customers whose first name starts with b


FROM customers

WHERE first_name LIKE ‘b%’

• %: any number of characters

• _: exactly one character

REGEXP Operator

Returns customers whose first name starts with a


FROM customers

WHERE first_name REGEXP ‘^a’

• ^: beginning of a string

• $: end of a string

• |: logical OR

• [abc]: match any single characters

• [a-d]: any characters from a to d

WHERE first_name REGEXP ‘ey$|on$’

—- Returns customers whose first name starts with MY

—- or contains SE

WHERE first_name REGEXP ‘^my|se’

—- Returns customers whose first name contains B followed by

—- R or U

WHERE first_name REGEXP ‘b[ru]’

—- Return only 3 customers


FROM customers


—- Skip 6 customers and return 3


FROM customers

LIMIT 6, 3

These are coding that I learned.

Thu. Jul. 21, 2022

MySQL Tutorial for Beginners [Full Course]

Today I learned about SQL. We started installing all the necessary tools for SQL applications. First, we learned about databases, a collection of data in a format that can easily be accessed. In order to manage the database, we use a software application called a database management system known as DBMS. DBMS's job is to execute instructions and send results back. There are two categories of SQL they are relational and nonrelational. In relational databases, you store data linked to each other relationships. each table stores data about a specific type of objects like customer product and order. Non-relationship databases you have tables or relationships. Non-relationship data are different from a relational database because they have their own coding langue but a different topic. They're also a history behind SQL. It started in the 70s and it represented Structured, English, Query, and Language. But they change to SQL because SQL was the name of an airplane company. Frist thing we learned was Basics. Basics

USE sql_store;


FROM customers

WHERE state = ‘CA’

ORDER BY first_name


SQL is not a case-sensitive language.

In MySQL, every statement must be terminated with a semicolon.

After that, I learned the select clauses.

SELECT (points * 10 + 20) AS discount_factor

FROM customers

Order of operations:

• Parenthesis

• Multiplication/division

• Addition / subtraction

Removing duplicates


FROM customers

Next we learned

—- AND (both conditions must be True)


FROM customers

WHERE birthdate > ‘1990-01-01’ AND points > 1000

—- OR (at least one condition must be True)


FROM customers

WHERE birthdate > ‘1990-01-01’ OR points > 1000

—- NOT (to negate a condition)


FROM customers

WHERE NOT (birthdate > ‘1990-01-01’)

Wed. Jul. 20, 2022

Java Tutorial for Beginners [2020]

Today I learned about Java the coding language. We started by installing all the necessary tools to build Java applications. We started the basics of Java so we can get everything together. We also learned how to execute Java and build simple algorithms. The person who was watching us was Mosh who has 2 decades as a software engineer. First, we did down JBK downloaded the latest model, and install it on the computer. After that, we download a code editor in this case we downloaded and install IntelliJ Idea. Then we looked at functions which is the anatomy of java programs. Functions can be used as anything. For Java when writing a function you have to write void and then you call it. We then learned about the class is a container for one or more related functions basically we use the class to organize the code. Every Java program should have one class that is the main class of the program. The way you write class is by the class then gave the class a descriptive name after that you add curly braces. They are more accurately referred to as methods. When writing class the first letter of all everything should be capital. Next is variables We use variables to temporarily store data in the computer’s memory. In Java, the type of a variable should be specified at the time of declaration. In Java, we have two categories of types. Primitives: for storing simple values like numbers, strings and booleans. Reference Types: for storing complex objects like email messages. Example: byte age = 30;

long viewsCount = 3_123_456L;

float price = 10.99F;

char letter = ‘A’;

boolean isEligible = true;

Tue. Jul. 19, 2022

PHP Programming Language Tutorial - Full Course

Today I continue on from yesterday. The PHP coding programing language that you make your website better and more powerful. Today we connected HTML and started learning about variables. Variables are used to storge information. He showed us by writing a story about a man named George who was changed to John. The way you print on PHP is you write echo with quotes mark. After that, we learned about different Data types in PHP. They are string, integer, float, boolean, array, object, NULL, and resources. Next, Mike shows us how to build up a basic calculator. The way he showed us first gets 2 inputs that get you 2 different numbers. He did input type = "number" name = 'number1' he did the same thing again = "number" name = 'number2'. After that he wrote echo $_GET['number1] + $_GET ['number2']. THen you the rn the program. Next, we learned POST V. GET. Get is request is comparatively less secure because the data is exposed in the URL bar. Post is request is comparatively more secure because the data is not exposed in the URL bar. PHP uses these two to get more information . This is what I learned today. I also did some quizzes.

Mon. Jul. 18, 2022

PHP Programming Language Tutorial - Full Course

Today I watched PHP Programming Language Tutorial - Full Course. The video started off with Mike introducing himself and explaining what PHP is. PHP is a server-side programing language that you make your website better and more powerful. You also do a lot of different things with PHP. Then Mike shows how to make a download and install. After that, we chose a text editor and the one we used was Adam. Once you have everything downloaded when open the PHP. First, you write > PHP - s localhost then press enter to get a PHP web server. After that, we connected HTML by writing HTML, and you get the HTML section. Then you use the HTML section and write PHP. So now everything you write with me in PHP. Next Mike showed us and write hello world. You can check what you did by just copying your php and searching it on the web. Haven't finished all thing of veido because I am trying to do it while is teachimh it the work.

Fri. Jul. 15, 2022


I watched GaryVee giving advice to a 20-year-old. I learned that 97 % of people are lazy and not doing what they can do. He also said he need to stick to one 1 thing rather than being stuck with 9 different things. He said don't compare yourself to others and just work you will make money. Also, you send your time well can't you need work on top of work. Also, people who say they will make millions of dollars will by the 25 are lying and they aren't less they have a family before who is wealthy.

In addition, all, I did the daily assessment that I need to.

List of areas that I can improve

Financial Responsibility

I need to spend less money on shoes because reselling shoes is going down.

I need to put in more money towards Robinhood

Save money on the side for college


I need to heal my left hand properly

Start hitting the gym again


Study more Real estate License

I need to put more time into finding jobs on indeed and linkin

I think I need more time learning code so I can start building websites

Working income

I am working with SYEP I am putting that money into Robinhood

I need to find more jobs

Also, I have been learning and watching a Python Tutorial for Beginners with Mosh. Today I learned the errors that can happen with doing things on Phyton. I also learned how to add strings on strings. Mosh showed us how to change things like color. Also learned output and input and how to get returns from users.

Thu. Jul. 14, 2022

Python Tutorial - Python for Beginners [Full Course]

Today I watched a Python Tutorial for Beginners. In the video, Mosh and a YouTuber who has 20 years of code experience were going to show us ways to learn to code in Python. Python is one of the most popular coding languages in the coding world. People use it to do cool things like automation, and use it in A.I, websites, and Applications. The first thing Mosh shows us is how to download Python and which version in our case we have to download the latest 3.7.2. Then install it from your downloads. Then Mosh shows us how to download and install PyCharm. After that, we opened up PyCharm, connected Python, and created a flower called HelloWorld. Then We started our first code. You write print (‘Your name’). This is the first code and how you can write things on the screen by writing print(“”). After that you run the code by pressing command+control+R. Which will show if the code is correct and it will run. After we drew a dog to show that python is used to show us prints and executes line by line. Mosh then defined the code as strings which means a series of charters. He tells us that if we practice python for about 3 to 4 months for 2 hours a day we will master python. This how you write a string # returns the first character course[1] # returns the second character course[-1] # returns the first character from the end course[-2] # returns the second character from the en Next we learned Variables which is one of the most variable fundamentals in the programming world. Variables temporarily store data and information. Then he shows how to add variables+string. Also, when defining variables lowercase doesn’t work. Next, we learned about inputs. We can receive input from the user by calling the input() function. birth_year = int(input(‘Birth year: ‘)) The input() function always returns data as a string. So, we’re converting the result into an integer by calling the built-in int() function. Have not finished the full video. Also, I am doing everything Mosh is doing so it takes a while for me to replay the videos, especially when you don’t understand lots of things. That is why in my usage it shows video is not played fully.