Log of what of Solomon Morales has learned at Techie Youth

Thu. Aug. 11, 2022

Business analyst, here's what I learned today

There are different percentiles when it comes to being a Business Analyst. There is a starting level, junior level, mid-level, senior level, and top level. And as the levels increase you get paid more. The role of a business analyst is to solve certain problems of a company. They also never perform just one task; they perform a number of tasks and are required to do each one of them efficiently.

Wed. Aug. 10, 2022

Customer service

As someone doing customer service, it could be a little challenging. When you speak to certain customers, they can be unpredictable as far as how they're tone or manner is going to be or how they're going to behave. As a person working for customer service you would have to be polite. When you explain certain stuff to your customers, you should explain it like they're a kid because you don't know what they know so it's best you shouldn't assume.

Mon. Aug. 8, 2022

Guest blogging, here's some of what I learned

There's a lot of ways to make money off guest blogging. One of them is called PPC. You actually have to get users to click on the adds, and if they don't click it you don't get any compensation. You can also sell your services writing guest posts. You can ghostwrite, teach others how to guest post, and even selling a course on guest posting.

Thu. Aug. 4, 2022

Blogging, here's some of what I learned !

Blogging is creating your own website and it could be used for personal experiences, creative expressing, selling products, and promoting brands. There's a lot of different ways to start blogging and you could gain a lot of money from succeeding from it. There're also 12 different types of blogs, to only name a few there's personal blogs, niche blogs, and cooperate blogs. There is a variety of different type of blogs you can do and you can be creative doing it. I got interested in blogging when I heard about all this stuff. Could be a blogger soon !

Wed. Aug. 3, 2022

Authoring books

If you wanted to get published with a traditional publishing house, it comes with a lot of pros, such as less money coming out of your pockets, you have access to prestigious awards, and more prestige. Being more prestige is only important if you're writing Literary fiction or nonfiction. Having an agent for this field is very beneficial. Authors with agents make more money than those who don't have agents.

Mon. Aug. 1, 2022

Selenium with Python, here's some of what I learned

Testers use selenium to build up automated testing scripts, and the language for selenium is selenese. Selenium is used to test web-applications. The commands help selenium know what actions to operate.

Wed. Jul. 27, 2022

Quality Insurance

STLC is a sequence of different activities performed during the testing process of certain software's. And in total it has 6 different phases. The last phase of the STLC is the test closure. This is where the testing process is all analyzed and finalized. White bx texting is also known as clear box testing which is a method of software testing that tests internal structures.

Mon. Jul. 25, 2022

Music Production, this Is some of what I learned

I really love music that's my favorite thing to do and I've always had the ability to be good at it so learning more about it so nice. But as an artist you can earn money different ways and one of them could be via merchandise. Customizing your own shirt or any type of clothing with your own brand will get you money. Another thing an artist can do to earn money is having royalties. Royalties is the different platforms your music is on, such as Spotify, YouTube, apple music, and more. Another big way to earn money is through concerts and tours. When an artist preforms their song on stage you get paid after the shows. One last thing that I learned is that in order to be a very well skilled music producer, a bachelor's degree is required.

Wed. Jul. 20, 2022

Cryptocurrency here's what I've learned/

There are three different types of orders on bitcoin, one is a market order which 100% fulfills at any given price. A limit order is guaranteed but the fulfillment isn't. And a stop loss order is a timed market order for cutting losses. Cryptocurrency is made through a procedure known as mining and it employs computer processing power to solve complex math problems in order to earn coins.

Tue. Jul. 19, 2022

What is Forex ? This is some of what I learned today.

if you buy a stock expecting it to rise while the line is depreciated, you have to wait and be patient to see if the line surpasses where you bought it at so you can sell it and make profit of it. A short position/shorting in trading if you put in a short position, you believe that the graph will go down. Also, Forex refers the global electronic marketplace for trading currencies.

Wed. Jul. 13, 2022

How to sell digital goods, this what I learned from today!

I learned that there actually isn't just one definition for digital goods. Digital goods come in many forms like E-books, images, movies, streaming music, websites and more. Digital products are intangible resources that are passed out online. They are an easy way to sell which guarantees you could be making some quick money. Another good think that I learned about digital products is that there's no need to store unnecessary inventory, it makes it easier to manage products.