Log of what of Tyhiem Bradshaw has learned at Techie Youth

Thu. Aug. 11, 2022

Today at techie youth I learned.

Today at techie youth I learned that sales come in and products are delivered, all without your active input. In recent years, digital products have grown in popularity as a major income earner for

various reasons. Also at techie youth I learned robotics businesses have a seemingly endless number of customers, from consumers to products manufacturers and private businesses across a wide array of industries.

Wed. Aug. 10, 2022

What I learned today.

Today at techie Youth I Learned how to use WordPress from start to finish in

free WordPress. WordPress is one of the most powerful content management systems available. It's versatile, constantly updated, and totally free. You can use it to create simple blogs, large complex websites, and anything in between.

Tue. Aug. 9, 2022

Today at Techie Youth I learned.

Today at Techie youth I learned about design skills, social paid ads, writing and editing. I learned that writing and editing may be the most important skill to have as a digital maker. I was shown that Content on all of the social media

platforms perform better when

accompanied by great images. The best way to reach people now on social media sites and ensure your content gets distributed is to use

social paid advertising.

Mon. Aug. 8, 2022

Today I learned.

Today at techie youth I learned about websites that help provide and help build your website . Also I learned how to start and design a website from scratch and to my liking. I learned How to make a plan and content for my website.

Fri. Aug. 5, 2022

I learned today.

Today I learned how to manage apps and how ads work for different games.

Thu. Aug. 4, 2022

Today I learned.

Today at Techie Youth I learned how android and iOS products are developed and designed.

Fri. Jul. 22, 2022

What I learned.

Today I learned how to correctly set up my web site and how to design what I like on the web air.

Thu. Jul. 21, 2022

What I learned today.

Today at Techie Youth I learned how to manage my web design and how to create a safe web site.

Tue. Jul. 19, 2022

What I learned today.

Today I learned how to make clothing without and extreme tools and I learned what it takes to put them online and to sell them. I also learned how to keep up with my sales and how to earn money from my products.

Mon. Jul. 18, 2022

What I learned about art.

Today at Techie Youth I learned how to make art and build characters on the computer. I learned to paste and photoshop different images and shapes to make art. I’ll like to learn more about the art

Thu. Jul. 14, 2022

What I learned about 3D printing.

Today I learned how to define and stretch the images that I want to 3D print.

Wed. Jul. 13, 2022

What I learned about 3D printing.

Today at Techie Youth I learned how to calculate and how to create a model on the computer for 3D printings. I learned to build the models on the computer and how to make it look like and print it. I want to learn more and I’m going to learn a bit more.

Tue. Jul. 12, 2022

What I learned about 3D printing.

Today at Techie Youth I learned about 3D printing and how it can be sold for money. 3D print is expensive but it’s also how most people make their money. 3D printing uses lots of computer work and sales to be active. I wish I was able to learn more and maybe I shall learn more as the days come and go.

Mon. Jul. 11, 2022

What I learned about A.I. .

To be honest I really didn’t understand much about the Artificial Intelligence, but I realized that math has a lot to do with it. And coding plays a big part in the making of Artificial Intelligence. And making this Artificial Intelligence takes hard work and lots of practice and experience. And you have to have lots of patience. I have all of those skills but math was never my strong suit . I am more of a physical building person.

Fri. Jul. 8, 2022

What I learned about music.

Today at Techie Youth I learned what it takes to become a music producer and DJ. I learned about the effort it takes and the cost. It showed me different ways on how to look at jobs in the music industry. I was shown each role in the music industry and how much each role makes per year. I also learned how timbaland makes his beats and what four steps in takes for each beat. I don’t know if I want to be in the music industry but at least I know what it takes to get there.

Thu. Jul. 7, 2022

What I learned about entrepreneurship.

Today at Techie Youth I learned that being an entrepreneur is extremely hard work. It takes a lot of courage and confidence to want to be a entrepreneur. The little things that you do daily can affect how you are and a leader. For example, posture can affect how people view you and what they might think of you as a leader. Another example is, behavior. The way you behave can affect how people view you as a leader. I also learned that being yourself is one of the best ways to be viewed and admired .