I learned that being a VA really relies on the abilities you have. They look for what’s stands out and puts you from the rest of the canidents. The more skill you show, the more it will put you over other canadates. Making a portfolio can be really helpful in doing that. You can make your portfolio as detailed or basic as you prefer. However, it’s also important to at least put who you are.
Today, I created my first blog using the videos this website provided me. I created a website on Wix.com and placed a blog there. It was a bit nerve-wracking because people could see it, however, if you don’t take that first step who will for you. It all comes down to you at the end of the day. I saw the email about the assignments and I’ll try to do them.
What I learned today is the average amount a VA makes an hour, which is 21.57 per hour. Also, some more important skills to have being a VA is personal time management, scheduling and correspondence, and content management. It’s important to have personal time management because it’s easier to manage your job and accumulate more clients. Scheduling and correspondence is also important. Scheduling is important because the process of setting up calls and meeting, which sometimes require multiple rounds of correspondence in order to lock in each appointment. Correspondence is a key aspect of scheduling. You’ll be writing and responding to emails and letters; drafting memos to prepare your boss for meetings; and making, answering and returning phone calls and texts. And finally, there’s content management. Content management entails the scheduling, publication and maintenance of a business’s blog posts, website pages, videos, and so forth.
Today, I learned that you don't need to be a veteran VA to begin working as a virtual assistant. Also, bloggers, busy professionals, small business owners and etc use gives task to Virtual Assistance to free up time for the client to work on projects and task only they can complete. Some traits a good VA has is patience, honesty, personable, discretion, and organization. If you want to become a VA without experience, it's good to have a thought-out plan when entering the VA field, start out small and pick a niche.
A virtual assistant is a job where you typically work in a office space with day to day administrative duties. They also would like to make sure everybody comes to work and feel like they are an important piece of the collaborative success. Companies match you up with clients who match your skill set and who you can help easily. Also, other than administrative task, they help with social media, business development, marketing, and more.
Today, I learned that android apps can be made with an app called android studio. This ap helps organize your projects and gives you user friendly way to create what you're looking for. Native android apps are typically made in android studio and can be written in 7 different languages. However, the most common is Java and Kotlin. Promoting your app is also very important so you can receive income. You can do it via email, create videos, and you can also create an eye-catching app icon etc.
Today, I learned that IOS apps can only run on iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, and Apple Watch. You can also use a app called Xcode, a app where you can register for free and make your own app. There are also apps called Native apps. Native apps are the apps that you generally think of like; Pokémon go, google maps, the New York Times, and more. I also learned that Native apps offer the most reliable, most fastest, and responsive experience to users, etc.
What I learned today is what it's like to work as a IOS Developer. I also learned that it's not such a straightforward task to estimate a mobile developer's salary. However, knowing can help lead to a better career choice. I also learned that it's difficult for app Developmnent companies to find knew clients and keep their business alive. Some things you can do to get big clients is get referrals, attend events, and build social relationships etc. I also learned that you could look for jobs on the websites called Stack Overflow and GitHub Jobs.
I learned about transcription jobs. Transcription jobs require great typing skills, the ability to listen to text and type it into words, and grammar skills. Some of the transcription jobs you can do is general transcription where beginners usually start here, and you don't have to have experience to this job. Then, we have legal transcription where you have to have some prior knowledge to do this job; there are classes you can take to learned about legal transcription. And finally, you have medical transaction you cannot do this job without prior knowledge on the subject, and that's the three types of transactions.
What I learned today is about technical writing and customer service and correspondence. In customer service, it isn't just about calling angry customers all the time, you have to make sure that you are kind and patient with your customers. It's also important if you're chatting to type in full sentences and not sound rude your customer. Technical writing is a different type of writing. It has limited literary creativity and is primarily focused on providing detailed descriptions and instructions and technical writing include instruction manuals, product specifications and installation guides.
Today, I learned about ghost writing and Search engine optimization backlink content or (SEO). Ghostwriting is a blanket term for being hired to write content for someone else, they have full rights to your writing too. With ghostwriting, you can make money even if you are not good at writing. You can use a website called Textbroker; it's a website that offers free registration to write for money. You make money by how many stars you get on your piece. For example, if you wrote something really good and you get 5 stars you would get 5.0 cents per word. In addition, (SEO) or Search engine optimization backlink content is a promotional tool to get your website listed higher in search rankings. This is important because it helps websites like Google determine which pages should rank the highest for a given query.
Today I learned about guess blogging. Guess blogging is when you invite someone from outside of your company to write a blog that will be published on your website. You can get paid up to $5 to $50 per post depending how involved each has to be. It's also important to build good relationships by using social networks and optimize content for their audience meaning to try understanding what their audience wants so you get more clicks on your blog. You can also link other blogs of authors that you might want to work with in the future.
Whilst there is traditional publishing and self publishing. Today I learned about copywriting. Copywriting is the language a business uses to move a consumer closer to a purchase. A good copy is one that pushes the customer to take action. Things that make up a good copywriting is attention; it needs to hook the reader’s attention, big promise; like why should I buy this product? People care more about the value and outcome of your product, and call to action; you should have a clear concise call to action, confusion can cause the customer not to pay any attention to your website or product.
Today, I learned that you could self-publish your book, but a lot of publishers would recommend you a literacy agent. A literacy agent is the person whose job it is to sell your book to a publisher. I also learned that during traditional publishing your book is that it can take a long time, however if you do get approval from an agent and a publisher it can feel very validating. Also, I learned knowing what success is to you and knowing what you're striving to achieve.
Today, I learned how much income writers make and tips and tricks on how to get a book I want published by my hands or somebody else's. I also learned how important it is for you to connect with your characters and care for them because for some it's hard to get through the story without having likable characters. Also, I learned how important it is to make your story flow and try to make as less mistakes as possible because you can end up adding unnecessary info or too much info.
Today, I made an edit for Techie Youth. It was relatively fun since I knew a bit of what I was doing. I made sure to add transitions and make look as decent as I could. I also watched a video about how music producers do music and handle their jobs. I learned how important it is to have a relationship with your director and I should have a sample online to show if I'm looking to land a job helping a director. Also, I want to apologize that the edit isn't on YouTube. I was having a lot of trouble getting it uploaded so I gave you the link instead.
Today I learned a producer on average makes $55,000 annually but it depends on the type of music and how many songs made. I also learned the meaning of CV and ISDR. Also, did you know big industries like Spotify and YouTube music use something called RMS Normalization; it's something that they use to normalize each song to an average level, and it should result in no loudness differences between tracks.
What I learned today is the meaning of DAW regarding music production, I learned of what apps I can use to start, and what I can use to make a good track without Music theory.
Today I started a new course: Making Music and learned how important it is to market and promote your music and how you can start a record label.
Today I started my first editing project on my own! I'm slowly learning the ropes and it's a bit difficult, but I am determined to learn editing because a lot of people make such great and inspiring things with editing, and I want to do that too. I also learned 3 methods on what to do when looking for an editing job while being a beginner and how important it is to stay in contact with your client when editing their videos.
What I learned today is how to organize my files to edit, which editing apps will help me the most when I'm trying to edit, and I'm trying to learn how to edit videos and making them look good.
What I learned is what a j-cut and an l-cut is, and many other cuts involved with video editing. I kind of had to self-teach myself some things, but that's okay because I'm having fun learning how to video edit.
What I've learned is how much video editors make depending on what the client is asking for. Like animation, (something I would like to do one day) is the highest paid video editing job. I've also learned how to make a cover letter and how you can make money and reduce how much you spend living in a city by traveling and hitchhiking.