Web Development Tutorial For Beginners 2018 / 2019 - how to make a website

Wed. Aug. 01, 2018 12:00pm

Learn Web Dev the way professionals do! This FULL course covers it all. We'll learn HTML, CSS, Javascript and the workspace/computer setup that professionals use.

IMPORTANT! If you ONLY want a website for yourself or your business, DO NOT learn all this's a waste of your time.
Instead, click here: to go to WIX ADI Wix is by far the easiest and cheapest way to get a website up and running without learning the skills of a web developer.

Note, that's an affiliate link, so feel free to snoop around on their site to find the Wix ADI on your own if you don't want to support this channel.

This first video will get you setup for how to make a website by first setting up your computer for web development.

Next up, we'll learn HTML for beginners, then start baking in CSS to our HTML!

Also watch: "Responsive Design Tutorial - Tips for making web sites look great on any device"

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