What do the Techie Youth programs look like?

High-tech classrooms motivate youth
Plus, extensive options for remote learning.

Learning tech-skills
prepares students for lucrative modern computer-based careers and remote jobs.

Superb Education
Teaching youth career skills, technology and financial literacy to ensure that they will be able to earn income as a career professional.

Some Techie Youth programs give students free laptops upon graduation or pay an hourly-wage to students for hands-on learning time at Techie Youth.

Coaches provide individual attention
Techie Youth Learn to E-Earn coaches provide 1-on-1 guidance to youth 24/7.

Hands-on learning
Youth perform real-world career tasks as part of their training, resulting in job experience and a portfolio of work history.
Techie Youth graduates with their certificates of completion

Classwork simulates real-world job tasks

Classes are fun & engaging

Attention & opportunity is provided to every student.
This is the ideology of our Techie Youth coaching team.

Intensive accelerated curriculum
Students rapidly learn a broad range of tech and career skills in a relatively short timeframe.