The Techie Youth solution: leveraging education in IT & computer technologies to redirect the roadmap of foster kids and youth-at-risk towards a path of life success

Immediate Goal
Teach foster kids and at-risk youth a profession that will save and ensure their future
Give a man a fish and he eats for a day.
Teach a man to fish and he eats for life...

Long-Term Goal
Curtailing the homeless-problem at its source, before youth-at-risk become homeless
The initiative is simple
We provide free accelerated technology-career training to any adolescent or young-adult in the foster-care system or in at-risk youth programs such as juvenile justice and homeless-runaway services.
Technology is the key differentiator
Rather than training for a manual-labor trade or continuing education, Techie Youth prepares kids to become financially self-sufficient career-professionals in the computer/IT sector.
The solution is in the tech-sector
The tech-sector has ample lucrative career-opportunities that do not require a degree for hire. Technology roles have among the highest average earnings of any professional-field.
Huge rewards for program success
Youth who embrace the education can be earning an ample living within a short time, ensuring that they avoid homelessness and have financial-motivation to steer away from risky-influences.
The Techie Youth training provides each participant with professional career skills that will forever be available to them, life-long, ensuring that they are always capable of obtaining lucrative employment.
Learn how you can help now.