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Mission of Techie Youth

Techie Youth's mission is to create economic opportunities for teens in foster care and at-risk youth by utilizing technology-focused career skills training to establish financial self-sufficiency and long-term professional stability. Our emphasis is on redirecting the life-path of youth and young-adults who are on a track towards homelessness or incarceration.

Our programs provide each participant with opportunity & attention; this is our core coaching ideology implemented by each Techie Youth team member.

Each youth participant receives an accelerated education in computer-based career training, tailored to their interests, with individualized coaching. Our goal is to empower them to become financially self-sustaining technology professionals.


Techie Youth Videos

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The Dreams of Orphans in El Salvador Aspirations of Kids Living in an Orphanage - Mi Casa Kids

πŸ’— The Dreams of Orphans in El Salvador πŸ€— Aspirations of Kids Living in an Orphanage - Mi Casa Kids

This video was FILMED BY THE KIDS! Explore the talents and aspirations of orphaned and abandoned children living at Mi Casa Kids International in El Salvador, during a visit by Techie Youth Founder, Eric Benari.
Learn how you can help Mi Casa Kids at
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Univision entrevistas el joven ex-encarcelado en Techie Youth - en espa ol - Bushwick, Brooklyn

🚨 Univision entrevistas el joven ex-encarcelado en Techie Youth - en español - Bushwick, Brooklyn

Enny Pichardo de Univsion visitas el centro de Techie Youth en Bushwick Brooklyn y habla con estudiantes y la educador & supervisor de Techie Youth, Estefano Riojas, en su la Techie Youth programa por ayuda a jóvenes en riesgo, jóvenes ex-encarcelado y jóvenes en crianza temporal vía educación la enseñar habilidades profesionales basadas en computadoras.
Para contenido exclusivo, suscríbete a #TechieYouth ahora en

NY1 Noticias entrevistas en espa ol la j venes en Techie Youth en el aula en Nueva York

πŸ‘¨‍πŸ’» NY1 Noticias entrevistas en español la jóvenes en Techie Youth en el aula en Nueva York

Techie Youth prepara a los jóvenes en hogares de guarda y crianza temporal cómo comenzar carreras en el sector de técnicos de informática.
Para contenido exclusivo, suscríbete a #TechieYouth ahora en

FREE Computers & FREE $1300 Brooks Brothers Suits to Group Home Youth + INTERVIEWS espa ol e ing

πŸ†“ FREE Computers & FREE $1300 Brooks Brothers Suits to Group Home Youth + INTERVIEWS πŸ’ español e ing

Watch these super-fun interviews of group home youth getting FREE laptop computers and new suits from Brooks Brothers at Techie Youth.
Video is a mix of English along with Spanish with English subtitles.
A HUGE THANK YOU to Arman Roy Foundation & Laptops For Kids for providing the laptops!!!

WOUNDED But NOT DEFEATED Building a Computer Room at a Women's Center Heridas Pero No Vencidas

πŸ’” WOUNDED But NOT DEFEATED πŸ’” Building a Computer Room at a Women's Center πŸ’” Heridas Pero No Vencidas

Techie Youth built out a computer room for the women in need of assistive-services at the Heridas Pero No Vencidas (Wounded But Not Defeated) women's center, in the Bronx.

Techie Youth logoTechie Youth is a 501(c)3 not-for-profit registered charity of NYC
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